PMD&D Guidebook @pmd-ttrpg - Tumblr Blog | Tumlook (2024)



Feb 13, 2022

All Valid Starters

Here is a list of all Pokemon species that can be selected for Player Characters in PMD&D. If you’re looking for one Pokemon in particular, it might be faster to search the blog for the species name.

Generation 1:

No.001 Bulbasaur

No.004 Charmander

No.007 Squirtle

No.010 Caterpie

No.013 Weedle

No.016 Pidgey

No.019 Rattata

No.019 Alolan Rattata

No.021 Spearow

No.023 Ekans

No.025 Pikachu

No.027 Sandshrew

No.027 Alolan Sandshrew

No.029 Nidoran♀

No.032 Nidoran♂

No.035 Clefairy

No.037 Vulpix

No.037 Alolan Vulpix

No.039 Jigglypuff

No.041 Zubat

No.043 Oddish

No.046 Paras

No.048 Venonat

No.050 Diglett

No.050 Alolan Diglett

No.052 Meowth

No.052 Alolan Meowth

No.052 Galarian Meowth

No.054 Psyduck

No.056 Mankey

No.058 Growlithe

No.058 Hisuian Growlithe

No.060 Poliwag

No.068 Abra

No.066 Machop

No.069 Bellsprout

No.072 Tentacool

No.074 Geodude

No.074 Alolan Geodude

No.077 Ponyta

No.077 Galarian Ponyta

No.079 Slowpoke

No.079 Galarian Slowpoke

No.081 Magnemite

No.083 Farfetch'd

No.083 Galarian Farfetch'd

No.084 Doduo

No.086 Seel

No.088 Grimer

No.088 Alolan Grimer

No.090 Shellder

No.092 Gastly

No.095 Onix

No.096 Drowzee

No.098 Krabby

No.100 Voltorb

No.100 Hisuian Voltorb

No.102 Exeggcute

No.104 Cubone

No.108 Lickitung

No.109 Koffing

No.111 Rhyhorn

No.114 Tangela

No.115 Kangaskhan

No.116 Horsea

No.118 Goldeen

No.120 Staryu

No.123 Scyther

No.127 Pinsir

No.128 Tauros

No.129 Magikarp

No.131 Lapras

No.132 Ditto

No.133 Eevee

No.137 Porygon

No.138 Omanyte

No.140 Kabuto

No.142 Aerodactyl

No.147 Dratini

Generation 2:

No.152 Chikorita

No.155 Cyndaquil

No.158 Totodile

No.161 Sentret

No.163 Hoothoot

No.165 Ledyba

No.167 Spinarak

No.170 Chinchou

No.172 Pichu

No.173 Cleffa

No.174 Igglybuff

No.175 Togepi

No.177 Natu

No.179 Mareep

No.183 Marill

No.187 Hoppip

No.190 Aipom

No.191 Sunkern

No.193 Yanma

No.194 Wooper

No.198 Murkrow

No.200 Misdreavus

No.201 Unown

No.203 Girafarig

No.204 Pineco

No.206 Dunsparce

No.207 Gligar

No.209 Snubbull

No.211 Qwilfish

No.211 Hisuian Qwilfish

No.213 Shuckle

No.214 Heracross

No.215 Sneasel

No.215 Hisuian Sneasel

No.216 Teddiursa

No.218 Slugma

No.220 Swinub

No.222 Corsola

No.222 Galarian Corsola

No.223 Remoraid

No.225 Delibird

No.227 Skarmory

No.228 Houndour

No.231 Phanpy

No.234 Stantler

No.235 Smeargle

No.236 Tyrouge

No.238 Smoochum

No.239 Elekid

No.240 Magby

No.241 Miltank

No.246 Larvitar

Generation 3:

No.252 Treecko

No.255 Torchic

No.258 Mudkip

No.261 Poochyena

No.263 Zigzagoon

No.263 Galarian Zigzagoon

No.265 Wurmple

No.270 Lotad

No.273 Seedot

No.276 Taillow

No.278 Wingull

No.280 Ralts

No.283 Surskit

No.285 Shroomish

No.287 Slakoth

No.290 Nincada

No.293 Whismur

No.295 Makuhita

No.298 Azurill

No.299 Nosepass

No.300 Skitty

No.302 Sableye

No.303 Mawile

No.304 Aron

No.307 Meditite

No.309 Electrike

No.311 Plusle

No.312 Minun

No.313 Volbeat

No.314 Illumise

No.316 Gulpin

No.318 Carvahna

No.320 Wailmer

No.322 Numel

No.324 Torkoal

No.325 Spoink

No.327 Spinda

No.328 Trapinch

No.332 Cacnea

No.333 Swablu

No.335 Zangoose

No.336 Seviper

No.337 Lunatone

No.338 Solrock

No.339 Barboach

No.341 Corphish

No.343 Baltoy

No.345 Lileep

No.347 Anorith

No.349 Feebas

No.351 Castform

No.352 Kecleon

No.353 Shuppet

No.355 Duskull

No.357 Tropius

No.359 Absol

No.360 Wynaut

No.361 Snorunt

No.363 Spheal

N0.366 Clamperl

No.369 Relicanth

No.370 Luvdisc

No.371 Bagon

No.374 Beldum

Generation 4:

No.387 Turtwig

No.390 Chimchar

No.393 Piplup

No.396 Starly

No.399 Bidoof

No.401 Kricketot

No.403 Shinx

No.406 Budew

No.408 Cranidos

No.410 Shieldon

No.412 Burmy

No.415 Combee

No.417 Pachirisu

No.418 Buizel

No.420 Cherubi

No.422 Shellos

No.425 Drifloon

No.427 Buneary

No.431 Glameow

No.433 Chingling

No.434 Stunky

No.436 Bronzor

No.438 Bonsly

No.439 Mime Jr.

No.440 Happiny

No.441 Chatot

No.442 Spiritomb

No.443 Gible

No.446 Munchlax

No.447 Riolu

No.449 Hippopotas

No.451 Skorupi

No.453 Croagunk

No.455 Carnivine

No.456 Finneon

No.458 Mantyke

No.459 Snover

No.479 Rotom

Generation 5:

No.495 Snivy

No.498 Tepig

No.501 Oshawott

No.504 Patrat

No.506 Lillipup

No.509 Purrloin

No.511 Pansage

No.513 Pansear

No.515 Panpour

No.517 Munna

No.519 Pidove

No.522 Blitzle

No.524 Roggenrola

No.527 Woobat

No.529 Drilbur

No.531 Audino

No.532 Timburr

No.535 Tympole

No.538 Throh

No.539 Sawk

No.540 Sewaddle

No.543 Venipede

No.546 Cottonee

No.548 Petilil

No.550 Basculin

No.551 Sandile

No.554 Darumaka

No.554 Galarian Darumaka

No.556 Maractus

No.557 Dwebble

No.559 Scraggy

No.561 Sigilyph

No.562 Yamask

No.562 Galarian Yamask

No.564 Tirtouga

No.566 Archen

No.568 Trubbish

No.570 Zorua

No.570 Hisuian Zorua

No.572 Minccino

No.574 Gothita

No.577 Solosis

No.580 Ducklett

No.582 Vanillite

No.585 Deerling

No.587 Emolga

No.588 Karrablast

No.590 Foongus

No.592 Frillish

No.594 Alomomola

No.595 Joltik

No.597 Ferroseed

No.599 Klink

No.602 Tynamo

No.605 Elgyem

No.607 Litwick

No.610 Axew

No.613 Cubchoo

No.615 Cryogonal

No.616 Shelmet

No.618 Stunfisk

No.618 Galarian Stunfisk

No.619 Mienfoo

No.621 Druddigon

No.622 Golett

No.624 Pawniard

No.626 Bouffalant

No.627 Rufflet

No.629 Vullaby

No.631 Heatmor

No.632 Durant

No.633 Deino

No.636 Larvesta

Generation 6:

No.650 Chespin

No.653 Fennekin

No.656 Froakie

No.659 Bunnelby

No.661 Fletchling

No.664 Scatterbug

No.667 Litleo

No.669 Flabébé

No.672 Skiddo

No.674 Pancham

No.676 Furfrou

No.677 Espurr

No.679 Honedge

No.682 Spritzee

No.684 Swirlix

No.686 Inkay

No.688 Binacle

No.690 Skrelp

No.692 Clauncher

No.694 Helioptile

No.696 Tyrunt

No.698 Amaura

No.701 Hawlucha

No.702 Dedenne

No.703 Carbink

No.704 Goomy

No.707 Klefki

No.708 Phantump

No.710 Pumpkaboo

No.712 Bergmite

No.714 Noibat

Generation 7:

No.722 Rowlet

No.725 Litten

No.728 Popplio

No.731 Pikipek

No.734 Yungoos

No.736 Grubbin

No.739 Crabrawler

No.741 Oricorio

No.742 Cutiefly

No.744 Rockruff

No.746 Wishiwashi

No.747 Mareanie

No.749 Mudbray

No.751 Dewpider

No.753 Fomantis

No.755 Morelull

No.757 Salandit

No.759 Stufful

No.761 Bounsweet

No.764 Comfey

No.765 Oranguru

No.766 Passimian

No.767 Wimpod

No.769 Sandygast

No.771 Pyukumuku

No.772 Type:Null

No.774 Minior

No.775 Komala

No.776 Turtonator

No.777 Togedemaru

No.778 Mimikyu

No.779 Bruxish

No.780 Drampa

No.781 Dhelmise

No.782 Jangmo-o

Generation 8:

No.810 Grookey

No.813 Scorbunny

No.816 Sobble

No.819 Skwovet

No.821 Rookidee

No.824 Blipbug

No.827 Nickit

No.829 Gossifleur

No.831 Wooloo

No.833 Chewtle

No.835 Yamper

No.837 Rolycoly

No.840 Applin

No.843 Silicobra

No.845 Cramorant

No.846 Arrokuda

No.848 Toxel

No.850 Sizzlipede

No.852 Clobbopus

No.854 Sinistea

No.856 Hatenna

No.859 Impidimp

No.868 Milcery

No.870 Falinks

No.871 Pincurchin

No.872 Snom

No.874 Stonjourner

No.875 Eiscue

No.876 Indeedee

No.877 Morpeko

No.878 Cufant

No.880 Dracozolt

No.881 Arctozolt

No.882 Dracovish

No.883 Arctovish

No.884 Duraludon

No.885 Dreepy

This post will be continuously updates as the Pokemon Profiles are created and linked here! If you’re waiting on a specific Pokemon, or if your DM has allowed you to play as one that isn’t listed here, please send an ask or make a query in the Discord and we’ll complete the Pokemon Profile for you soon.

#player resources#playable pokemon#navigation#wip


Feb 19, 2022

Stat Determination

This is a short guide on how to get your Stats.

There are three major ways to determine your Stats in PMD&D. Please discuss with your DM about which methods they want to use in your session.

Rolling Manually

To use this method, you need 4d6 or an online dice roller.

This method is the least reliable, but also allows you the highest possible starting Stats. If you're lucky, you can have a starting Stat of up to 18, while other methods are capped at 15. On the other hand, you could be unlucky and get a result as low as 5, while the other methods have a minimum of 8.

Roll your 4d6, discard the lowest of the 4 resulting numbers. Add the remaining 3 numbers together and write down your sum.

If 3 of the results are 1, you can reroll all 4 dice until you have at least two results greater than 1.

Repeat until you have a total of 6 sums.

Using your 6 sums, assign one number to each of your four Stats (STR, CON, INT, WIS, DEX, CHA).

You can use your chosen Pokemon's Species Profile as a guide for which Stats to strengthen. Your species has existing bonuses from type and standard stat distribution ("Species Bonuses"), so you might want to improve stats that aren't helped by these Species Bonuses OR further enhance your existing strengths.

Point-Buy System

Every stat starts at 8.

In order to increase your stats, you must buy improvements with Stat Points! You have 27 stat points to spend however you want, which makes this system incredibly customizable. You can increase a single Stat to a maximum of 15 before Species Bonuses. You can't decrease a stat to get more points, so the minimum before factoring in your Species Bonuses is 8.

A score of 8 costs 0 SP.

A score of 9 costs 1 SP.

A score of 10 costs 2 SP.

A score of 11 costs 3 SP.

A score of 12 costs 4 SP.

A score of 13 costs 5 SP.

A score of 14 costs 7 SP.

A score of 15 costs 9 SP.

As with other systems, we suggest using your chosen Pokemon's Species Profile as a guide for which Stats to strengthen.

Standard Array

In the original rules for D&D, there's a standard predetermined set of numbers you can distribute across your Stats. This is the easiest, simplest method if you want to save time.

The numbers you can use for your Stats are: 15, 14, 13, 12, 10, and 8.

As with other systems, we suggest using your chosen Pokemon's Species Profile as a guide for which Stats to strengthen.

If you need help with Stat determination, send an Ask and we'll help you out as soon as we can!

#player resources#stat determination#game rules#wip


Feb 18, 2022


This is a basic guide for how Evolution works in the PMD&D universe. A DM may alter these rules to suit their chosen story, so check with your DM to use any of these methods. If you’re a DM who wants a little guidance, send us an Ask or look for help in the Discord server.

Upon Evolution, a Pokemon's Ability gains a ★ (to a maximum of 5★). For details on Ability growth, go to the Ability Growth Guide or the page for your specific Ability.

Types of Evolution

There are SEVEN major types of Evolution. Unless your DM says otherwise, all Evolution must take place at an Evolution Spot - a sacred location filled with mystical power that allows Pokemon to safely Evolve.

Evolution can be performed outside of an Evolution Spot with your DM’s permission, but it may have unforeseen side effects! It’s dangerous to Evolve spontaneously.

Level Evolution

Most Pokemon can evolve at a given PKLVL, with no other requirements. For these Pokemon, after reaching the minimum PKLVL you can evolve to the next stage by visiting an Evolution Spot (or, with permission from your DM, at any time).

Item Evolution

Some Pokemon can only evolve while holding a specific item. These items are usually found very deep in especially dangerous dungeons, but might also be sold for a high price at rare item shops. Once you have the item, just take it with you to an Evolution Spot.

Friendship Evolution

Friendship isn’t quantifiable in this system, since Friendship is based on roleplay and not numbers. Instead, Pokemon who would normally evolve via Friendship need to get a species-specific item that matches the species of the Pokemon they are trying to become (for example, a Pichu needs a Pikachu-specific item to evolve). Once you get the item, this form of evolution works the same as any other Item Evolution.

Trade Evolution

Obviously, trading Pokemon with another trainer isn’t really an option in a world where trainers don’t exist and everyone is Pokemon. Instead, use a Linking Cord and treat this as an Item Evolution.

Time of Day Evolution

In games where you track the time of day, it’s possible for you to work with day/night Evolution. Most of the time, though, the time of day is just a matter of saying “it’s day now” on a whim. You can treat these as normal Level Evolutions or Item Evolutions.

Move Evolution

In rare cases, Evolution depends on the Pokemon knowing a specific move, or a move of a specific type. Once you’ve learned the right move, you can evolve whenever you want as long as the move is in your active move roster.

Very rarely, evolution depends on using a move a certain number of times, or with a specific Style (new as of Pokemon Legends: Arceus). In these cases, the Pokemon can usually evolve by knowing the move and holding an item that boosts STR/INT (for Strong Style) or WIS/DEX (for Agile Style). Check the species page to be sure!

Unique Evolution

Certain Pokemon evolve through unique means. For these Pokemon, check their Pokemon Profile!

Of course, all of these methods are flexible and even the need for Evolution Spots can be subverted with your DM’s permission. Good luck!

#evolution#player resources#wip


Feb 18, 2022

No.032: Nidoran♂

<<< Nidoqueen | Nidoran♂ | Nidorino >>>

Valid Starter? - Yes

Type - Poison

Half damage - Grass, Fighting, Poison, Bug, Fairy

Double damage - Ground, Psychic

Stat bonus - +2 WIS

Proficiency with Poison-type Techniques

Abilities (choose one)

Poison Point ★

Rivalry ★

Hustle ★ (Hidden Ability)

Stat distribution - Poor

HP - Poor (Hit Dice 1d6)

STR - Poor (Highest)

CON - Poor

INT - Poor

WIS - Poor

DEX - Poor

CHA - Poor

Size - Small


Nidoran♀ - Congratulations LGBTs! If your character is trans/genderfluid/etc you can swap forms during a long or short rest. Doing so swaps your STR with CON, and your INT with WIS.


⇒ No.030 Nidorino - Evolves into Nidorino after reaching PKLVL 16.



<<< Nidoqueen | Nidoran♂ | Nidorino >>>

#pokemon profile#nidoran#nidoran-m#nidoran♂#pokedex#playable pokemon#wip


Feb 18, 2022

No.029: Nidoran♀

<<< Sandslash | Nidoran♀ | Nidorina >>>

Valid Starter? - Yes

Type - Poison

Half damage - Grass, Fighting, Poison, Bug, Fairy

Double damage - Ground, Psychic

Stat bonus - +2 WIS

Proficiency with Poison-type Techniques

Abilities (choose one)

Poison Point ★

Rivalry ★

Hustle ★ (Hidden Ability)

Stat distribution - Poor

HP - Poor (Hit Dice 1d6)

STR - Poor

CON - Poor (Highest)

INT - Poor

WIS - Poor

DEX - Poor

CHA - Poor

Size - Small


Nidoran♂ - Congratulations LGBTs! If your character is trans/genderfluid/etc you can swap forms during a long or short rest. Doing so swaps your STR with CON, and your INT with WIS.


⇒ No.030 Nidorina - Evolves into Nidorina after reaching PKLVL 16.



<<< Sandslash | Nidoran♀ | Nidorina >>>

#pokemon profile#nidoran#nidoran-f#nidoran♀#pokedex#playable pokemon#wip


Feb 18, 2022

No.027: Alolan Sandshrew

<<< Raichu | Sandshrew | Sandslash >>>

Valid Starter? - Yes

Type - Ice/Steel

No damage - Poison

1/4 damage - Ice

Half damage - Normal, Grass, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Dragon, Fairy

Double damage - Ground

4x damage - Fire, Fighting

Stat bonus - +2 CON

Proficiency with Ice-type and Steel-type Techniques

Abilities (choose one)

Snow Cloak ★

Slush Rush ★ (Hidden Ability)

Stat distribution - Poor

HP - Poor (Hit Dice 1d6)

STR - Fair

CON - Good (Highest)

INT - Awful (Lowest)

WIS - Poor

DEX - Poor

CHA - Poor

Size - Small


Sandshrew - Not interchangeable.


⇒ No.028 Alolan Sandslash - Evolves into Alolan Sandslash while holding an Ice Stone.



<<< Raichu | Sandshrew | Sandslash >>>

#pokemon profile#sandshrew#alolan sandshrew#pokedex#playable pokemon#wip


Feb 16, 2022

No.027: Sandshrew

<<< Raichu | Sandshrew | Sandslash >>>

Valid Starter? - Yes

Type - Ground

No damage - Electric

Half damage - Poison, Rock

Double damage - Water, Grass, Ice

Stat bonus - +2 CON

Proficiency with Ground-type Techniques

Abilities (choose one)

Sand Veil ★

Sand Rush ★ (Hidden Ability)

Stat distribution - Poor

HP - Poor (Hit Dice 1d6)

STR - Fair

CON - Fair (Highest)

INT - Awful (Lowest)

WIS - Poor

DEX - Poor

CHA - Poor

Size - Small


Alolan Sandshrew - Not interchangeable.


⇒ No.028 Sandslash - Evolves into Sandslash after reaching PKLVL 22.



<<< Raichu | Sandshrew | Sandslash >>>

#pokemon profile#sandshrew#pokedex#playable pokemon#wip


Feb 16, 2022

No.023: Ekans

<<< Fearow | Ekans | Arbok >>>

Valid Starter? - Yes

Type - Poison

Half damage - Grass, Fighting, Poison, Bug, Fairy

Double damage - Ground, Psychic

Stat bonus - +2 WIS

Proficiency with Poison-type Techniques

Abilities (choose one)

Intimidate ★

Shed Skin ★

Unnerve ★ (Hidden Ability)

Stat distribution - Poor

HP - Poor (Hit Dice 1d6)

STR - Fair (Highest)

CON - Poor (Lowest)

INT - Poor

WIS - Poor

DEX - Poor

CHA - Poor

Size - Small


⇒ No.024 Arbok - Evolves into Arbok after reaching PKLVL 22.



<<< Fearow | Ekans | Arbok >>>

#pokemon profile#ekans#pokedex#playable pokemon#wip


Feb 16, 2022

No.021: Spearow

<<< Raticate | Spearow | Fearow >>>

Valid Starter? - Yes

Type - Normal/Flying

No damage - Ground, Ghost

Half damage - Grass, Bug

Double damage - Electric, Ice, Rock

Stat bonus - +1 HP, +1 DEX

Proficiency with Normal-type and Flying-type Techniques

Abilities (choose one)

Keen Eye ★

Sniper ★ (Hidden Ability)

Stat distribution - Poor

HP - Poor (Hit Dice 1d6)

STR - Fair

CON - Poor

INT - Poor

WIS - Poor

DEX - Fair (Highest)

CHA - Poor

Size - Small


⇒ No.022 Fearow - Evolves into Fearow after reaching PKLVL 20.



<<< Raticate | Spearow | Fearow >>>

#pokemon profile#spearow#pokedex#playable pokemon#wip


Feb 16, 2022

No.016: Pidgey

<<< Beedrill | Pidgey | Pidgeotto >>>

Valid Starter? - Yes

Type - Normal/Flying

No damage - Ground, Ghost

Half damage - Grass, Bug

Double damage - Electric, Ice, Rock

Stat bonus - +1 HP, +1 DEX

Proficiency with Normal-type and Flying-type Techniques

Abilities (choose one)

Keen Eye ★

Tangled Feet ★

Big Pecks ★ (Hidden Ability)

Stat distribution - Poor

HP - Poor (Hit Dice 1d6)

STR - Poor

CON - Poor

INT - Poor

WIS - Poor

DEX - Poor (Highest)

CHA - Poor

Size - Small


⇒ No.017 Pidgeotto - Evolves into Pidgeotto after reaching PKLVL 18.



<<< Beedrill | Pidgey | Pidgeotto >>>

#pokemon profile#pidgey#pokedex#playable pokemon#wip#q


Feb 16, 2022

No.013: Weedle

<<< Butterfree | Weedle | Kakuna >>>

Valid Starter? - Yes

Type - Bug/Poison

1/4 damage - Grass, Fighting

Half damage - Poison, Bug, Fairy

Double damage - Fire, Flying, Psychic, Rock

Stat bonus - +1 STR, +1 WIS

Proficiency with Bug-type and Poison-type Techniques

Abilities (choose one)

Shield Dust ★

Run Away ★ (Hidden Ability)

Stat distribution - Poor

HP - Poor (Hit Dice 1d6)

STR - Poor

CON - Poor

INT - Awful

WIS - Awful

DEX - Poor (Highest)

CHA - Poor

Size - Small


⇒ No.014 Kakuna - Evolves into Kakuna after reaching PKLVL 7.



<<< Butterfree | Weedle | Kakuna >>>

#pokemon profile#weedle#pokedex#playable pokemon#wip#q


Feb 15, 2022

No.010: Caterpie

<<< Blastoise | Caterpie | Metapod >>>

Valid Starter? - Yes

Type - Bug

Half damage - Grass, Fighting, Ground

Double damage - Fire, Flying, Rock

Stat bonus - +2 STR

Proficiency with Bug-type Techniques

Abilities (choose one)

Shield Dust ★

Run Away ★ (Hidden Ability)

Stat distribution - Poor

HP - Poor (Hit Dice 1d6)

STR - Poor

CON - Poor

INT - Awful

WIS - Awful

DEX - Poor

CHA - Awful

Size - Small


⇒ No.011 Metapod - Evolves into Metapod after reaching PKLVL 7.



<<< Blastoise | Caterpie | Metapod >>>

#pokemon profile#caterpie#pokedex#playable pokemon#wip


Feb 15, 2022

No.019: Alolan Rattata

<<< Pidgeot | Rattata | Raticate >>>

Valid Starter? - Yes

Type - Dark/Normal

No damage - Psychic, Ghost

Half damage - Dark

Double damage - Bug, Fairy

4x damage - Fighting

Stat bonus - +1 CHA, +1 HP

Proficiency with Dark-type and Normal-type Techniques

Abilities (choose one)

Gluttony ★

Hustle ★

Thick Fat ★ (Hidden Ability)

Stat distribution - Poor

HP - Poor (Hit Dice 1d6)

STR - Poor

CON - Poor

INT - Awful (Lowest)

WIS - Poor

DEX - Fair (Highest)

CHA - Poor

Size - Small


Rattata - Not interchangeable.


⇒ No.020 Alolan Raticate - Evolves into Alolan Raticate after reaching PKLVL 20, at night OR while holding a Dark-type item.



<<< Pidgeot | Rattata | Raticate >>>

#pokemon profile#rattata#alolan rattata#pokedex#playable pokemon#wip


Feb 15, 2022

No.019: Rattata

<<< Pidgeot | Rattata | Raticate >>>

Valid Starter? - Yes

Type - Normal

No damage - Ghost

Double damage - Fighting

Stat bonus - +2 HP

Proficiency with Normal-type Techniques

Abilities (choose one)

Run Away ★

Guts ★

Hustle ★ (Hidden Ability)

Stat distribution - Poor

HP - Poor (Hit Dice 1d6)

STR - Poor

CON - Poor

INT - Awful (Lowest)

WIS - Poor

DEX - Fair (Highest)

CHA - Poor

Size - Small


Alolan Rattata - Not interchangeable.


⇒ No.020 Raticate - Evolves into Raticate after reaching PKLVL 20.



<<< Pidgeot | Rattata | Raticate >>>

#pokemon profile#rattata#pokedex#playable pokemon#wip



Feb 15, 2022


In light of the news that Hasbro is considering using multiple properties it owns for NFTs, including D&D, I would just like to remind everyone that PDFs of virtually all D&D source books are available online for free if you look and it's always moral to pirate from WotC


5etools is your bestie, fellow dnders. it also allows you to download it or host it on your own server, should it ever go down or you need offline access!


The Trove is gone, but The Vault lives on for those brave enough to use certain programs.


Feb 15, 2022

No.570: Zorua

<<< Garbador | Zorua | Zoroark >>>

Valid Starter? - Yes

Type - Dark

No damage - Psychic

Half damage - Ghost, Dark

Double damage - Fighting, Bug, Fairy

Stat bonus - +2 Cha

Proficiency with Dark-type Techniques


Illusion ★

Stat distribution - Fair

HP - Poor (Hit Dice 1d6)

STR - Fair

CON - Poor

INT - Fair (Highest)

WIS - Poor

DEX - Fair

CHA - Fair

Size - Small


⇒ No.571 Zoroark - Evolves into Zoroark after reaching PKLVL 30.



<<< Garbador | Zorua | Zoroark >>>

#pokemon profile#zorua#pokedex#playable pokemon#wip#for ren


Feb 15, 2022

No.633: Deino

<<< Durant | Deino | Zweilous >>>

Valid Starter? - Yes

Type - Dark/Dragon

No damage - Psychic

Half damage - Fire, Water, Electric, Grass, Ghost, Dark

Double damage - Ice, Fighting, Bug, Dragon

4x damage - Fairy

Stat bonus - +1 CHA, +1 INT

Proficiency with Dark-type and Dragon-type Techniques


Hustle ★

Stat distribution - Poor

HP - Poor (Hit Dice 1d6)

STR - Fair (Highest)

CON - Poor

INT - Poor

WIS - Poor

DEX - Poor (Lowest)

CHA - Poor

Size - Small


⇒ No.634 Zweilous - Evolves into Zweilous after reaching PKLVL 50.



<<< Durant | Deino | Zweilous >>>

#pokemon profile#deino#pokedex#playable pokemon#wip#for cam
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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.