Low Poly Pokemon Collection Generation 1 (2024)

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  • Low Poly Pokemon Gen 1 Collection 3Demon.zip
    • All in one 3MF file/Gen_1_Pokemon_3MF_3Demon.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Abra_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Aerodactyl_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Alakazama_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Arbok_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Arcanine_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Articuno_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Beedrill_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Bellsprout_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Blastoise_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Bulbasaur_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Butterfree_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Caterpie_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Chansey_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Charizard_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Charmander_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Charmeleon_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Clefable_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Clefairy_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Cloyster_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Cubone_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Dewgong_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Diglett_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Ditto_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Dodrio_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Doduo_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Dragonair_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Dragonite_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Dratini_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Drowzee_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Dugtrio_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Eevee_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Ekans_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Electabuzz_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Electrode_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Exeggcute_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Exeggutor_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Farfetchd_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Fearow_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Flareon_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Gastly_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Gengar_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Geodude_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Gloom_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Golbat_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Goldeen_female_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Goldeen_Male_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Golduck_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Golem_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Graveler_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Grimer_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Growlithe_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Gyrados_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Haunter_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Hitmonchan_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Hitmonlee_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Horsea_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/HypnoMale_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Hypno_Female_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Ivysuaur_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Jigglypuff_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Jolteon_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Jynx_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Kabutops_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Kabuto_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Kadabra_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Kakuna_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Kangaskhan_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/kingler_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Koffing_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Krabby_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Lapras_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Lickitung_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Machamp_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Machoke_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Machop_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Magikarp_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Magmar_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Magnemite_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Magneton_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Mankey_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Marowak_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Meowth_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Metapod_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Mewtwo_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Mew_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Moltres_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Mr-Mime_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Muk_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Nidoking_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/NidoranFemale_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/NidoranMale_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Nidorina_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Nidorino_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Ninetales_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Oddish_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Omanyte_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Omastar_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Onix_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Parasect_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Paras_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Persian_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Pidegey_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Pidgeotto_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Pidgeot_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Pikachu_Female_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Pikachu_Male_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Pinsir_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Poliwag_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Poliwhirl_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Poliwrath_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Ponyta_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Porygon_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Primeape_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Psyduck_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Raichu_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Rapidash_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Raticate_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Rattata_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Rhydon_Female_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Rhydon_Male_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Rhyhorn_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Rhyhorn_Male_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Sandshrew_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Sandslash_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Scyther_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Seadra_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/SeakingFemale_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/SeakingMale_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Seel_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Shellder_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Slowbro_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Slowpoke_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Snorlax_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Spearow_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Squirtle_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Starmie_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Staryu_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Tangela_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Tauros_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Tentacool_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Tentacruel_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Vaporeon_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Venomoth_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Venonat_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Venusaur_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Victreebel_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Vileplume_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Voltorb_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Vulpix_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Wartortle_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Weedle_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Weepinbell_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Weezing_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Wigglytuff_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Zapdos_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate 3MF files/Zubat_3Demon_3MF.3mf
    • Separate STL files/Abra_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Aerodactyl_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Alakazam_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Alakazam_female_moustache_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Alakazam_female_moustache_right_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Alakazam_male_moustache_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Alakazam_male_moustache_right_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Arbok_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Arcanine_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Articuno_body_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Articuno_leg_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Articuno_leg_right_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Articuno_tail_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Beedrill_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Beedrill_legs_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Beedrill_together_V3_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Beedrill_wings_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Bellsprout_head_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Bellsprout_leaves_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Bellsprout_roots_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Bellsprout_stem_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Blastoise_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Blastoise_V2_color_hand_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Blastoise_V2_color_hand_right_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Blastoise_V2_color_head_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Blastoise_V2_color_legs_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Blastoise_V2_color_shell_back_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Blastoise_V2_color_shell_front_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Bulbasaur_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Bulbasaur_V2_color_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Bulbasaur_V2_color_bulb_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Butterfree_V2_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Butterfree_V2_wing_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Butterfree_V2_wing_right_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Caterpie_V2_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Chansey_V2_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Charizard_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Charizard_V2_color_belly_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Charizard_V2_color_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Charizard_V2_color_left_foot_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Charizard_V2_color_right_foot_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Charizard_V2_color_wing_left_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Charizard_V2_color_wing_right_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Charmander_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Charmander_V2_color_belly_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Charmander_V2_color_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Charmeleon_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Charmeleon_V2_color_belly_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Charmeleon_V2_color_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Clefable_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Clefairy_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Cloyster_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Cubone_body_V3_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Cubone_bone_no_supp3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Cubone_skull_V3_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Dewgong_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Diglett_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Ditto_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Dodrio_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Dodrio_head_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Dodrio_head_middle_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Dodrio_head_right_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Dodrio_joined_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Doduo_body_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Doduo_head_left_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Doduo_joined_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Doduo_right_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Dragonair_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Dragonite_antenna_left_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Dragonite_antenna_right_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Dragonite_belly_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Dragonite_body_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Dragonite_whole_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Dragonite_wing_left_inside_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Dragonite_wing_left_outside_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Dragonite_wing_right_inside_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Dragonite_wing_right_outside_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Dratini_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Drowzee_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Dugtrio_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Eevee_V2_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Ekans_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Electabuzz_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Electrode_2xpeg_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Electrode_color_bottom_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Electrode_color_top_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Electrode_joined_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Exeggcute_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Exeggutor_body_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Exeggutor_heads_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Exeggutor_leaves_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Farfetchd_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Farfetchd_leek_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Fearow_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Flareon_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Gastly_body_V2_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Gastly_gas_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Gengar_V2_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Geodude_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Gloom_bottom_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Gloom_middle_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Gloom_top_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Golbat_body_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Golbat_wing_color_left_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Golbat_wing_color_right_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Goldeen_female_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Goldeen_male_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Golduck_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Golem_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Graveler_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Grimer_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Growlithe_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Gyarados_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Haunter_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Hitmonchan_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Hitmonlee_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Horsea_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Hypno_body_V2_female_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Hypno_body_V2_male_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Hypno_pendulum_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Ivysaur_V2_4xleaf_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Ivysaur_V2_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Ivysaur_V2_flower_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Jigglypuff_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Jolteon_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Jynx_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Kabutops_body_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Kabutops_left_arm_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Kabutops_right_arm_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Kabutops_whole_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Kabuto_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Kadabra_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Kadabra_female_moustache_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Kadabra_female_moustache_right_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Kadabra_male_moustache_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Kadabra_male_moustache_right_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Kakuna_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Kangaskhan_baby_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Kangaskhan_parent_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Kingler_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Koffing_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Krabby_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Lapras_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Lapras_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Lapras_shell_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Lickitung_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Machamp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Machoke_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Machop_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Magikarp_V3_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Magmar_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Magnemite_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Magneton_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Mankey_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Marowak_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Marowak_bone_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Marowak_head_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Meowth_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Metapod_V2_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Mewtwo_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Mew_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Moltres_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Moltres_leg_left_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Moltres_leg_right_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Moltres_tail_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Mr_Mime_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Mr_Mime_hand_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Mr_Mime_hand_right_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Muk_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Nidoking_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Nidoqueen_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Nidoran_female_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Nidoran_male_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Nidorina_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Nidorino_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Ninetales_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Oddish_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Oddish_color_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Oddish_color_leaves_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Omanyte_body_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Omanyte_shell_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Omastar_body_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Omastar_shell_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Onix_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Parasect_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Paras_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Persian_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Pidgeotto_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Pidgeot_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Pidgey_feet_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Pidgey_flat_belly_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Pikachu_female_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Pikachu_male_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Pinsir_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Poliwag_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Poliwhirl_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Poliwrath_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Ponyta_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Ponyta_flame_back_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Ponyta_flame_back_right_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Ponyta_flame_front_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Ponyta_flame_front_right_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Ponyta_flame_mane_back_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Ponyta_flame_mane_head_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Ponyta_flame_tail_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Ponyta_whole_single_color_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Porygon_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Primeape_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Psyduck_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Raichu_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Raichu_tail_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Rapidash_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Rapidash_flame_back_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Rapidash_flame_back_right_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Rapidash_flame_front_left_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Rapidash_flame_front_right_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Rapidash_flame_head_mane_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Rapidash_flame_mane_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Rapidash_flame_tail_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Rapidash_whole_single_color_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Raticate_body_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Raticate_tail_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Raticate_whisker_left_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Raticate_whisker_right_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Raticate_whole_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Rattata_1_piece_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Rattata_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Rattata_tail_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Rhydon_female_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Rhydon_male_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Rhyhorn_female_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Rhyhorn_male_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Sandshrew_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Sandslash_1_piece_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Sandslash_color_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Sandslash_color_spikes_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Scyther_body_female_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Scyther_body_male_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Scyther_scythe_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Scyther_scythe_right_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Scyther_wing_big_top_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Scyther_wing_big_top_right_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Scyther_wing_small_bottom_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Scyther_wing_small_bottom_right_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Seadra_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Seaking_V2_female_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Seaking_V2_male_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Seel_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Shellder_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Slowbro_body_V3_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Slowbro_shell_V3_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Slowpoke_V3_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Snorlax_V2_color_belly_and_face_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Snorlax_V2_color_body_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Snorlax_V2_color_left_foot_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Snorlax_V2_color_right_foot_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Snorlax_V2_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Spearow_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Spearow_with_legs_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Squirtle_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Squirtle_V2_arm_left_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Squirtle_V2_arm_right_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Squirtle_V2_head_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Squirtle_V2_leg_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Squirtle_V2_leg_right_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Squirtle_V2_shell_back_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Squirtle_V2_shell_front_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Squirtle_V2_tail_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Starmie_complicated_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Starmie_complicated_jewel_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Starmie_complicated_middle_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Starmie_flat_easy_body_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Starmie_flat_jewel_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Starmie_flat_middle_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Staryu_complicated_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Staryu_complicated_jewel_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Staryu_complicated_middle_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Staryu_flat_easy_body_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Staryu_flat_easy_jewel_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Staryu_flat_easy_middle_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Tangela_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Tauros_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Tauros_tail_1_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Tauros_tail_2_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Tauros_tail_3_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Tentacool_head_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Tentacool_tentacle_left_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Tentacool_tentacle_right_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Tentacool_whole_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Tentacruel_body_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Tentacruel_head_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Tentacruel_pin_2x_no_supp_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Tentacruel_whole_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Vaporeon_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Venomoth_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Venomoth_wing_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Venomoth_wing_right_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Venonat_1_piece_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Venonat_antenna_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Venonat_antenna_right_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Venonat_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Venusaur_V2_4xleaf_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Venusaur_V2_6xpetal_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Venusaur_V2_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Venusaur_V2_flower_crown_female_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Venusaur_V2_flower_crown_male_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Venusaur_V2_trunk_female_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Venusaur_V2_trunk_male_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Venusaur_V2_trunk_without_crown_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Victreebel_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Victreebel_body_joined_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Victreebel_leaf_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Victreebel_leaf_right_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Victreebel_leaf_top_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Victreebel_tail_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Victreebel_vine_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Vileplume_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Vileplume_top_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Voltorb_color_bottom_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Voltorb_color_top_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Voltorb_joined_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Voltorb_peg_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Vulpix_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Wartortle_V2_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Wartortle_V2_arm_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Wartortle_V2_arm_right_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Wartortle_V2_ear_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Wartortle_V2_ear_right_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Wartortle_V2_head_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Wartortle_V2_leg_left_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Wartortle_V2_leg_right_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Wartortle_V2_shell_back_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Wartortle_V2_shell_front_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Wartortle_V2_tail_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Weedle_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Weepinbell_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Weepinbell_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Weepinbell_leaf_left_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Weepinbell_leaf_right_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Weezing_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Wigglytuff_no_supp_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Zapdos_body_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Zapdos_leg_left_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Zapdos_leg_right_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Zapdos_pin_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Zapdos_tail_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Zubat_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Zubat_wing_color_left_3Demon.stl
    • Separate STL files/Zubat_wing_color_right_3Demon.stl

Learn more about the formats

Publication date 2024-06-28 at 09:02
Design number 2095619


  • 1.3k Designs
  • Contact

⬇️ 3D printer file info

3D model description

  • Print 'Em All - All 151 first generation Pokémon are included
  • 3MF Prusaslicer file with custom supports
  • All designed to 4% scale of the real-life size of the Pokemon
  • Colors separate without multi material 3D printer

Some pokemon have slight gender differences and we’ve also included those in this collection. So some pokemon have a female and male version.

We made a video Pokédex for them (if you click through to youtube each pokemon has a timestamp so you can skip to the ones you like)

The size at which you download it is 4% of the real-life size of the Pokemon. It is chosen so that if you print the whole collection it won't be too big and even the tiny Pokemon will look good but if you’re going to be making just this one or a couple then print them at whatever size you like :)

If you’d like to buy just some of the Pokémon separately you can have a look at our website

To extend your Low Poly Pokemon collection you can take a look at Our Second Generation Pokemon Collection!

About the designs:

It took us almost a couple of years to make all of these. We tried to pay really close attention to all the details of the aesthetics and tweaked them many times after printing so they print well for you. The size of the polygons is chosen so they work well together as a set so the smaller pokemon have fewer polygons than the bigger ones.

This is a complete unofficial low-poly 3D printable collection of all 151 first generation Pokémon! All 151 Pokémon are ready to be downloaded and 3D printed. We are not affiliated with the Pokémon company, these models are fan-made. If you don’t have a 3D printer and would like to have these please try to find someone who can print them for you locally.

This model was brought to life by 3Demon. We are a group of modeling and 3D printing enthusiasts based in Prague, Czech Republic. Here are some links to our website and social media where you can see more of our creations:

Our social media links

3D printing settings

We’ve included 3MF files that include the settings we used to print them in PrusaSlicer.

Each pokemon also has its own separate stl file. So you can print it with whatever settings you prefer.

0.1 mm to 0.2 mm layer height is recommended.

If a Pokemon was designed to be printed without supports it has no_supp in its name.

Some models need to be printed with supports. There are presettings in the All-in-one .3MF file so you can easily print all models without additional adjustment.

The large 3MF file is divided into sections by color so you can select all the models with CTRL+A and move them around to place a single color on the print bed and print all parts of the same color at a time.

Some of the pokemon were printed with layer color changes which you can easily set in PrusaSlicer or you can do just a manual filament change at the right time.


All designsArtLow Poly / Fan Art /


  • lowpoly
  • low
  • poly
  • collection
  • stl
  • 3mf
  • game
  • anime
  • figure
  • pikachu
  • charmander
  • bulbasaur
  • squirtle
  • eevee
  • pokemon
  • pokemoni
  • faceted


📸 0 3D print photos


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  • WORD OF MOUTH: Invite your friends to come, discover the platform and the magnificent 3D files shared by the community!

Sharing and downloading on Cults3D guarantees that designs remain in makers community hands! And not in the hands of the 3D printing or software giants who own the competing platforms and exploit the designs for their own commercial interests.

Cults3D is an independent, self-financed site that is not accountable to any investor or brand. Almost all of the site's revenues are paid back to the platform's makers. The content published on the site serves only the interests of its authors and not those of 3D printer brands who also wish to control the 3D modeling market.

Low Poly Pokemon Collection Generation 1 (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Views: 6044

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Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.