freakwoken - Chapter 2 - D0ULEUR_FENDUE (2024)

Chapter Text

The Light Hook. It was right in front of you, just a few kilometers away. Amongst your panting and the sound of your heart racing in your burning chest, you could hear the Kyrsgarde chasing you. You felt your surroundings crumbling apart with each step you took, every second you spent running just a second closer New Kyrsa was to collapsing on top of you and everything else that managed to survive down there. You were so close, you could taste your freedom as you paced closer and closer to the entrance of the city, the glowing hook beckoning you on. Alas, just at the nick of time, you reached the Light Hook and held onto it for dear life, your head fuzzy as you were swiftly pulled up. You watched everything behind you collapse, a heavy sigh of relief coming from you as you closed your eyes and felt your soul get dragged back up to the First Layer of The Depths.

It was all a blur, but it didn’t take long until you found yourself back in Castle Light, the rising and falling of your chest still somewhat rapid as adrenaline rushed through your veins. Before you stood Klaris Llfiend, her face full of concern as she looked at you, likely examining your visible wounds, those of which you had completely forgotten about. You saw Klaris open her mouth to speak, but you didn’t hear any words come out. Your head was fuzzy and all you heard was a loud, high-pitched ringing in your ears, watching Klaris’s expression only grow more and more worried as you, unknowingly, started to tremble and stumble as you spewed incoherent nonsense in an attempt to reassure the Black Diver that you were fine. You weren’t fooling her though, because you clearly weren’t fine.

That was further proven when all of a sudden, your adrenaline rush died down, causing the world around you to fade to black, which made you collapse right onto the floor of the elevator that descended you to the Second Layer just an hour ago.

You would then find yourself waking up in a soft bed just as quickly as you had blacked out. You groaned and lifted your hands to rub your eyes, your vision readjusting to the new setting you found yourself, which turned out to be a bedroom. You looked down at yourself, noticing you were topless, various bloodied bandages wrapped around the wounds you had obtained whilst in the Second Layer. At the awareness of your injuries, you felt them start to sting again, making you hiss softly in pain through your gritted teeth. You lifted your head again and further examined the room you lay within in more depth. It was a neat, tidy room, with a closet bolted to the wall opposite of you and a bookshelf next to the bed you were in. The bed itself was very plush, which was the first thing you took note of when you first woke back up. You couldn’t remember the last time you had felt something so soft, so comforting. It almost reminded you of your home on the surface, the faint memory making you smile a little.

You then heard the door open and your head shot toward the direction of it. From the opening, you watched as a familiar female figure entered the room. It didn’t take you long to realize it was Klaris again, and she held something in her hands—a bowl, filled with what you could only assume was some sort of food. Upon seeing you were up again, Klaris smiled warmly, sighing a breath of relief.

“You’re finally awake. You were out for a good two (2) hours, you had me starting to worry,” she said as she entered the room, closing the door behind herself. She sat on the edge of the bed and handed the bowl to you. “...we only had urchin stew. Hope you’re not a picky eater.”

You shook your head and said, “It’s fine, thank you, Miss Llfiend.” You then lifted the bowl to your lips and sipped the hot, dense fluid.

Klaris grimaced at your words, disliking the formality. “Klaris. What is it with you apprentices and being so damn formal with me all the time?”

You lowered the bowl and shrugged after wiping your mouth. “Sorry, Klaris. Just trying to be respectful,” you replied.

She shook her head. “There’s no need for that, genuinely. My life is no more important than yours while we're down here.”

You frowned slightly, nodding your head along to her words. You stared down at the contents of the bowl that lay in your lap, then looked back at Klaris after a while. You were surprised she cared this much about a measly, little apprentice like you.

“What… happened?” you asked to attempt and reignite a conversation.

“You blacked out right in front of me after I pulled you up from the Second Layer,” Klaris replied, her silver eyes darting down to the bed, avoiding making eye contact with you. “I thought I had lost you for a moment.”

You blinked. “So? You lose hundreds of Divers every day, I don’t see how I’m any different,” you replied nonchalantly, taking a sip from your meal once again, nearly finishing it. It wasn’t the best tasting, but you kept consuming it, grateful for something filling at least. It wasn’t until that point that you realized how hungry you truly had gotten.

Klaris went silent for a moment after you made your statement as if contemplating whether she should come clean or not.

“You’re… not like the other apprentices.”

You put the bowl down and looked at her, your head co*cked to the side in confusion. This was truly a surprise to you, especially knowing how she treated everyone else, including her fellow Black Divers.

“No, seriously. You have excelled significantly, especially compared to any other unfortunate soul who has dared to join us. You’re gifted, you know? You know how to make do down here naturally, something I haven’t seen since Akira. If anything, I think you could be this generation’s next Black Diver.” Her words felt unreal to you, so unusually nice. You almost thought she was being sarcastic for a second. “I didn’t only want our team to lose that opportunity, but I especially didn't want you to lose it, because you deserve it.”

She cupped the side of your face with her hand, gently tilting your head up to look at her. Her silver eyes locked with yours, a genuine, compassionate expression on her visage. “I’m proud of you. Truly.”

You flustered at her words, it being visible on your face. Klaris smiled a little, her tail starting to swish from side to side upon seeing you blush. She didn’t know her words would have that much of an impact on you.

“Thank you, Klaris…” you muttered, averting your gaze to anywhere but Klaris’s eyes.

She chuckled softly and removed her hand from your face. “I mean it. I could never lie to my favourite Diver.”

Her favourite Diver…

The revelation flustered you once more, your face heating up and turning a deeper hue of red. Klaris giggled once again at the flabbergasted expression on your face and stood up from the bed, walking over to the closet and starting to strip herself of her Black Diver outfit. Shocked by the suddenness of her actions, you simply watched, unable to remove your eyes from her, several thoughts started to course through your mind as she slipped her coat and heavy armour off.

“Hope you don’t mind me slipping into something more… comfortable for the night,” she said as she worked on removing her boots, then pants, leaving herself in a tank top and briefs. She slipped on a pair of sweatpants, however, just to be extra comfortable.

“Not… not at all…” you mumbled, your mouth practically watering as your eyes had the pleasure of grazing over her toned body.

Klaris folded her clothing and set them aside before turning to face you again. At that moment, you realized that the room you were in was her personal quarters, and you were lying in her bed. That only fueled the feelings brewing inside of you, making you feel warmer. She approached the bed and looked down at you with that familiar harsh glare, studying you from up close. She then pointed at the almost empty bowl you still held.

“Are you done with that?”

You snapped out of your love-stricken daze and nodded, handing the bowl over to her, to which she took it and simply placed it on her nightstand.

“Mmm… you look tired. I think you should go back to sleep,” she said, her eyes scanning over your body once more. She hoped to the drowned gods that you couldn’t tell where her eyes were involuntarily wandering off to.

“But… where will you stay for the night? Isn’t this your room?” you asked.

Klaris stared at you blankly, since she assumed you would have already told her she was going to be spending the night with you.

“It is. But I want you to stay with me. I can’t risk you getting into any more trouble down here in the state you’re already in,” her voice was as stern as ever, however, it still had a softer undertone to it to show you she genuinely cared about you.

Without thinking twice, you accepted that offer and you scooted over to make some space for her on the bed. She smiled at you and climbed in next to you, tucking you and herself in under the blankets. She looked at you through the corner of her eye, examining your expression and body language then pouted a little, thinking she was pushing it a little too far and making you uncomfortable, which in reality, was far from the truth.

“...but I mean, if you wish to retire to your own quarters, that's fine. Whatever makes you more comfortable.”

You shook your head in disagreement. “No no, it's fine, really. I wouldn't mind sleeping with you,” you felt your face heat up again, staring at her and watching her expression warm up a little.

Klaris’s tail started to wag happily again as she got herself comfortable in bed, she nuzzled into the bedsheets and sighed softly. She lay on her side, facing you, her eyes narrowed as she gazed at you. You too, laid down on your side, wincing in pain when pressure was applied to your bandaged wounds once more, but you dealt with it. You sheepishly shared a loving gaze with her, a smile was still visibly stretched upon her lips as she took that moment to ogle at you again. She found you incredibly attractive, your eyes, your soft lips which she wished she could feel pressed against her own, your toned arms and currently bare torso; she couldn’t help but let her eyes wander to your chest once more.

In all honesty, Klaris had long denied the feelings she had for you, though lately, it had been getting way too obvious that she favoured you over anyone else in Castle Light. The way she had been looking out for you more, the way she gave you unsure glances whenever you ventured out of the castle or even earlier that day when you asked to enter the Second Layer for the first time ever on your own, and including everything she had done for you following your return from the Eternal Gale further proved the suspicion you had that she fancied you; and, that was only the truth. She did like you, she liked you very much, and truly wished to spend the rest of only the gods know how long you both had down there, together. Needless to say, you too, felt the same way about her.

“You're really pretty,” Klaris spoke softly.

The tone of her voice along with the compliment she gave you made your heart skip a beat. “As are you, Miss Klaris.”

Klaris sighed playfully at the nickname. “Just Klaris, dearie,” she replied, lifting a hand to tuck a few loose strands of your hair out of your face and behind your ear.

You chuckled lightheartedly at her response and you felt like melting into her touch, which felt more heated than everything else around you. “My bad, Klaris…”

She smiled warmly at you and shuffled even closer to you, close enough that you could feel the heat radiating off of her. You weren't complaining though, if anything, you've fantasized about being this close to her multiple times in the past. You couldn't wait to see how this night would end, and neither could she. However, with the things that were already coming into mind, she only anticipated the intimacy between you both to continue to escalate. But until then, a silence fell upon you and Klaris, yet that tension lingered.

Hesitantly, you quietly said, “I love you.” You spoke but the words weren’t yours. Before you could realize that you had just allowed yourself to speak your mind, it was too late.

For some reason, you expected her to get upset or immediately get weirded out and kick you off the team, but that didn't happen. She instead wrapped an arm around your waist and leaned in, then kissed you on the lips. It was a brief, tender kiss, yet it left you breathless with your heart going a mile a minute and your face as red as redd juice. Klaris found your reaction adorable and she shuffled down to nuzzle her face into the crook of your neck.

“...I love you too, very much. I’m surprised you haven’t caught on at this point,” she replied, smiling against your neck and softly kissing the flesh.

You giggled and brought your hand to her head then scratched it as she lovingly went at your neck, her tail wagging noticeably once again upon you making that contact with her. She trailed light kisses along the one side of your neck, the two of you having your arms wrapped around each other in a tight, comfortable embrace. It didn't take long until Klaris decided to get risky again by placing one of her hands on your side and rubbing it, which you allowed, as you too were willing to see where this would end up for the both of you.

As time went on, you and Klaris became more touchy-feely with each other; curious hands wandered over exposed skin and slipped beneath clothing to feel more of that bare flesh, fingers traced over scars and collarbones, your lips would meet with hers again in another longer, passionate kiss which ended with you rolled onto your back and Klaris straddled on top of you. When she pulled away slowly, she gazed down at you, her eyes meeting yours once more, the mere ghost of a smile playing at the corners of her lips. Although she tried to be nonchalant about this, her tail was telling another story as it wagged a mile a minute.

“Say, dear, it's quite late right now. Certainly, the other Divers are asleep… how's about we unwind after this long day, together?” Klaris asked, subtly rocking her hips on your lap to give you a bigger hint as to what she was alluding to.

Despite you very much getting the hint, you still asked, “Just what are you entailing?” A smile plastered on your flustered face.

“You know exactly what I'm entailing, hon,” she replied in a hushed, sultry tone as she traced a finger along the strap of your bra.

Your smile flattened into a sly smirk and you allowed your hands to meet her waist. “Say less.”

With that given permission, Klaris gently swatted your hands away from her waist and got off of your lap. She sat on the edge of the bed again, only this time to remove her lower attire. Upon noticing her doing this, you reached down and hooked your fingers around the waistband of your own lower clothing, only for her to turn around and stop you by grabbing your wrist.

“Ah ah. Let me treat you,” she cooed, slowly letting go of your hand afterward.

You nodded and watched in anticipation as she crawled back onto the bed, and got on top of you again, only this time, she pulled the blankets completely off of you and then shuffled downwards. She then took hold of the band of your pants and slowly pulled them down, making sure to be careful with your patched up injuries from earlier. You appreciated the care she took with every touch she gave you, it made the experience all the much better. Upon tugging your pants down to your ankles, she crawled closer and ran a hand up and down your thigh, getting dangerously close to your crotch with each stroke, which only fed into your eagerness, something she could read off of you like a book.

The growing need in your eyes made her chuckle seductively and squeeze your inner thigh. As much as she wanted to hear you beg for it, she planned on saving that for another time, if there was another time. Given that, she moved her hand from your thigh to your—still clothed—crotch, where she would then start to rub you slowly, earning herself a quiet gasp from you. You held back from squirming as you felt her fingers press upwards against you, sliding between your folds as much as your panties would allow them to and teasing your sensitive cl*t. It made you all the more wetter, a few whimpers coming from you.

The noises you produced encouraged Klaris to keep it up, so she did. She rubbed your puss* slowly whilst gazing into your eyes, knowing the effect she had on you. Something inside of yourself knew that she knew what your weaknesses were by the way she purposefully rubbed your aching cl*t and looked at you with her best bedroom eyes; it made you want to melt right there and then. You must’ve let yourself get too lost in the pleasure, because once you felt the stimulation stop, you were snapped out of your daze and you looked down at Klaris. She didn’t give you a second to complain, as immediately after she stopped groping you, she hooked her fingers around the waistband of your panties and wasted no time pulling them down. Despite her quick pace, you were still impatient and desperate for more of her.

Once Klaris pulled your undergarments and the rest of your pants off, she spread your legs apart and shuffled down a little more, then laid down on her stomach. You already knew where this was going, yet it didn’t stop your breath from hitching when she leaned in and grazed your wet vulva with her warm tongue. Your body tensed and a moan came from your parted lips, an indication for Klaris to keep going, so she did. She continued to lap at your puss*, wedging her tongue between your folds as she went at it to get better access to your more vulnerable—not to mention, incredibly sensitive—bits. This worked significantly on you, making you snake a hand down to the back of her head and entangle your fingers into her soft hair, making an utter mess out of it as you gripped and tugged on it desperately.

All Klaris did in response was delve in deeper, a soft smirk on her lips, which you could feel against your flesh. Your moans sounded like heaven to her, she was already absolutely in love with being between your hips and pleasuring you with nothing but her mouth; the way you gripped her hair and threatened to clamp your thighs together made her feel all the more dominant over you, she loved tasting you and watching you fold at every little thing she did to you. She really, really knew the kind of power she held over you, and she sure as hell knew how to use it. You bucked your hips up against her tongue, your eyes squeezed shut and your eyebrows furrowed as you felt Klaris wrap her lips around your cl*t and begin sucking on it whilst swirling her hot tongue around it simultaneously. That earned herself more of those delicious noises she oh, so loved from you.

It came to a point where Klaris practically had to hold your waist down due to your constant thrashing and squirming due to the immense pleasure she was giving you, however, that didn't dissuade her, as she just kept going. Your head was craned back in pleasure as your face and body became flushed with sweat, you swore you were in the heavens and could see the Celestials; Klaris's skillful tongue just felt that good. It didn't take long until you felt yourself near a climax, Klaris could tell as well from the thicker liquid that began to seep from your entrance. She chuckled in a sultry tone as an idea popped into her mind, something she was certain you'd love. Her tongue found its way down to your leaking entrance and without warning, she shoved her tongue in as far as it would go. Your back arched off the bed and your hands scrambled to the sheets, clutching the soft linen covers in your fists as Klaris did her best attempt at tongue f*cking you whilst going back to rubbing your sensitive nub with her thumb.

You whined and groaned, her actions only pushing you closer and closer to the edge. Klaris licked you from the inside, a feeling so heavenly you felt like you were melting into the bed. You bit down on your bottom lip to stop your moans from growing in a crescendo, as you were aware that there were still people present within the same building as you two, people who were trying to sleep too. You would hate for them to overhear your activities with Klaris, neither of you would hear the end of it if that happened. Speaking of the end, your climax was approaching at a rapid pace, your breathing became laboured and the noises you made became shaky. You went back to rocking your hips against Klaris's face, and all the while, Klaris found herself amused by your desperate movements. She could feel your walls tighten around her tongue and she knew she was doing the right things. She caressed your cl*t a little faster and purposefully started licking a particular sweet spot within you, which ultimately pushed you off the edge.

You slapped your hands over your mouth and came with a loud, muffled moan as your back arched further off the bed and you squeezed your thighs against Klaris's head. Klaris felt the ripple of heat around her tongue, your thighs crushing her head, as well as the sensation of your innards spasming and tightening more around her. You removed your hands from your mouth and panted heavily, apologising profusely for crushing Klaris's head between your thighs after you parted them; you kept your legs spread open the best you could. Klaris pulled out of you and snickered quietly. Upon looking at her face, it was rather wet, slick with both sweat and your juices. She rested her head on one of your thighs and gazed up at you as she didn't remove her hand from your cl*t, her thumb continuing to circle the sensitive pearl, making your hips jerk and fingers curl.

“You liked that, didn't you? I can tell you did,” she spoke with a tenderness in her voice, a tone that made your body fill with heat again.

You nodded your head weakly, your eyes never leaving her gaze.

“Think you can be a good girl for me and maybe, I dunno, repay the favour?” Her calling you a good girl sent something off inside your brain. “Only if you want to, of course.”

Immediately, you said, “Yes! I'll do anything for you…”

That being said, she finally pulled her hand away and sat up. She wiped her face and crawled up to your level, then situated herself next to you once more, and turned her head to look at you again.

“Do whatever you're capable of in your state,” she looked you up and down, eyeing the bandages all along your body, reminding you of what you had endured earlier.

You nodded and turned to face her, then grabbed onto the band of her briefs and pulled them down. She aided you a little, taking control and pulling them all the way down for you to save time and the struggle. You smiled and shuffled closer, then allowed your hand to travel to her chest, where you'd gently cup one of her breasts and grope it as tenderly as you could.

“Ah, of course. Seems to be the one thing you apprentices can only think about when you see me,” she joked.

You giggled at her comment and continued to knead your hand into the soft bust, vaguely being able to feel her nipples harden at your touch. She huffed softly and rested her head against yours, one of her arms hooked around your waist to keep you close. You then stopped groping her and moved your hand down her chest, down her torso, then rested it right onto her bare puss*. Klaris knew where this was going, but still, it didn't stop her from whimpering when you strummed your fingers along her wet folds. Your previous encounter had already aroused her so heavily; she was so ready for the pleasure to be reciprocated. Regardless of what you'd do to her, it'd still feel incredibly good to her, given she hasn't had time to touch herself in years.

Klaris's legs spread to allow you better access to her c*nt, which caused you to slide two of your fingers—your middle and your ring—between her folds and gently pinch them against her cl*t, where you'd rub slowly. She whimpered once more at your actions, she loved how it felt already, it was a kind of pleasure she had been yearning ages for. You continued the subtle teasing before you decided to just get on with it. You pressed those two fingers directly onto the nub and stroked it. Klaris moaned at this and looked down at herself, watching you fondle her so nicely. All the while, you leaned in and kissed her neck, making her tilt her head to the side and allow you access to her neck. You peppered her soft skin with kisses and kitty licks, which tickled her a little, but she could endure it. The sensation of your lips pressing against her neck along with you stimulating her sweet spot made her feel like cumming already, but you weren’t done with her quite yet.

“T-that’s a good girl… f*ck- keep touching me like that…” she begged, her voice whiny.

You kept it up for a little longer until you decided to take it a step further. You traced your fingers down further and grazed them over an entrance, earning yourself a gasp from Klaris. You poked and prodded teasingly at that tight opening for a moment before slowly slipping your middle finger in. As it delved deep into her slick cavern, Klaris had begun to tremble slightly and held onto you tighter, more pathetic noises coming from her. You slowly pumped your hand, thrusting your finger in and out of her at an easy pace to warm her up a little, which granted you more of her sweet moans.

“Good, good… so–hhng–good..” she would whimper continuous praises as you kept up the pace.

Her praise only fueled your desire to continue pleasuring her. You curled your finger up into her g-spot, making her head crane back and spine curve a little. You held her close to yourself as you sped up the pace your hand was going, driving Klaris absolutely wild to the point where she was begging for more and more.

“More, please, more… I need–aah.. I need more…”

And more you gave. You started to finger f*ck her harder, faster, the praise from Klaris picking up once more. “Good girl, you’re doing so well..~ Hnng! Keep going!”

At that point, you decided it was be safe enough to insert your ring finger. So, that’s exactly what you did; you pulled your hand back a little, only to immediately thrust your two fingers back into her. She groaned and watched you begin to finger f*ck her once more, only this time there was much more inside of her. Her walls were still rather tense around your digits, and you figured that maybe you could try and ease her insides a little; so you started to spread your fingers apart in a scissoring motion, stretching her apart wider. Although it wasn’t much, it still felt intense for Klaris; the way your middle and ring fingers would join together and curl against her most sensitive areas then spread apart again and make her feel full made her eyes roll up slightly as drool would begin dribbling down the corner of her mouth.

“Please don’t stop, I’m so close…” she mumbled.

You could tell she was close by the way her hips jerked up and humped against your hand with each thrust in, how wet your digits were getting and the slick noises produced each time your fingers went in. You went back to kissing her neck, even daring to gently graze your teeth against it while you fingered her. That did it for her. With a few final thrusts of your hand, her breathing grew shakier until she would climax hard around your fingers with a relatively loud moan. Her face scrunched up in pleasure and she gripped whatever she could of you as she rode out her org*sm, grinding against you and panting, something you found so cute. You slowly ceased your movements and then sat there, your digits clamped together by Klaris’s insides, the two of you relishing in the afterglow of the heated moment you had just shared.

You slowly pulled out of Klaris and gently laid her back down on the bed, joining her afterward and wrapping your arms around her as she did the same. A satisfied grin was visible on her lips, her eyes closed as she let out a soft, pleased sigh. You smiled too and cuddled her, feeling her body relax and hold you tighter.

“That was good. You did so well,” she said, peeling an eye open to gaze at you.

Your heart fluttered at the compliment and you nuzzled your head against her chest.

“Thank you, Klaris… I love you.”

Klaris closed her eye again, a hand running through your hair. “I love you too, hon. Now rest, we can discuss what to go next in the morning.”

You nodded and allowed your consciousness to slip, falling into a comfortable sleep along with Klaris. You knew that for as long as you lived—or she lived—you would be with her, always. In the meantime, you prayed to the gods that nobody heard you two.

freakwoken - Chapter 2 - D0ULEUR_FENDUE (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.