Online Reservation Booking (2024)

Payment Services Agreement

Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services Agreement

This Vista Residences, Inc. Services Agreement, and the agreements, policies, and documents incorporated herein, (this “Agreement”), is entered into by and between ______________ (as defined herein) (“Vista Residences, Inc.,” “Vista Residences, Inc.” “we,” or “our”) and the entity or individual who enters into this Agreement (“Merchant” or “you”). This Agreement sets out the terms and conditions under which you may utilize the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services.

This Agreement becomes a legally binding contract and is effective as of the earliest date you do any of the following (the “Effective Date”): (i) Create an account on the Vista Residences, Inc. website; (ii) Accept this Agreement online; or (iii) Begin using the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services.

This Agreement, as it may be amended from time to time, will be available on the “Legal” tab on the Vista Residences, Inc.. website. In addition to the terms of this Agreement, you agree to be bound by the terms of our Privacy Policy and Acceptable Use Policy, as well as your applicable Bank Agreement(s), which are incorporated herein by reference.

Please be advised that if you are domiciled in the United States, this Agreement contains provisions on Arbitration (“Agreement to Arbitrate”) which will govern how claims will be resolved, with limited exception. Under this Agreement to Arbitrate, parties shall be required to submit claims their respective claims arbitration, the result of which shall be binding and final upon the parties, and furthermore, the parties will (1) only be permitted to pursue claims against each other on an individual basis, not as a plaintiff or class member in any class or representative action or proceeding and (2) only be permitted to seek relief (including monetary, injunctive, and declaratory relief) on an individual basis.


Section 1 — Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services

1.01 “Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Service(s)” means the Payment Processing Services or Gateway Services defined as follows:

  • (a) “Payment Processing Services” means the payment processing services offered by Vista Residences, Inc. through, PesoPay which provide merchants with the ability to accept credit cards, debit cards, and other payment methods on a website or mobile application. These services include Gateway Services, a bank-sponsored merchant account, fraud protection tools, recurring billing functionality, payment card storage, foreign currency acceptance, white glove customer support, and other software, APIs and services and technology as described on the Vista Residences, Inc. website.
  • (b) “Gateway Services” means the gateway services offered by Vista Residences, Inc. which provide Merchants with the software and connectivity required to allow real-time secure data transmission for processing of credit and debit card payments on a website or mobile application.

Section 2 — Fees and Taxes

2.01 Fees

In exchange for us providing you with the Vista Residences, Inc../PesoPay Payment Services, you agree to pay us the fees, including applicable transaction, multi-currency and Chargeback fees, as listed in the fee schedule, available at (website), and incorporated herein by reference. We reserve the right to revise our fees at any time, subject to a thirty (30) day notice period to you prior to the new fees taking effect. Interest shall accrue at the lower rate of 1.5% per month, or the maximum amount permitted by law, on all overdue amounts. In the event that you have a good faith and valid dispute as to the amounts due, you agree to pay the undisputed amounts on or before the due date. Interest shall not accrue on any disputed amounts so long as you pay such amounts within thirty (30) calendar days after resolution of the dispute.

2.02 Payment of Fees, Payouts, and Right to Set-off

Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Vista Residences, Inc./PesoPay will send to your Bank Account all amounts due to you from your Transactions, minus any fees, Reversals, Invalidated Payments, Chargebacks, Refunds or other amounts that you owe to Vista Residences, Inc. under this Agreement. If the Payout is not sufficient to cover the amounts due, you agree that we may debit from your Bank Account all applicable amounts, and/or set-off the applicable amounts against future Payouts. For this purpose, you agree to provide Vista Residences, Inc. with all necessary bank account routing and related information and grant Vista Residences, Inc. permission to debit amounts due from your Bank Account.

2.03 Taxes

Merchant shall pay, indemnify, and hold Vista Residences, Inc. free and harmless from (i) any sales, use, excise, import or export, value-added, or similar tax or duty, and any other tax or duty not based on Vista Residences, Inc.’ income, and (ii) all government permit fees, customs fees and similar fees which Vista Residences, Inc. may incur with respect to this Agreement. Such taxes, fees and duties paid by Merchant shall not be considered a part of, a deduction from, or an offset against, payments due to Vista Residences, Inc. hereunder.

Section 3 —Restricted Activities, Representations and Warranties

3.01 Restricted activities

In connection with your use of the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services, you must comply with the Vista Residences, Inc. Acceptable Use Policy, as follows:

You agree that you will not:

  • (a) Breach this Agreement, your Bank Agreement, or any other agreement that you have entered into with us in connection with the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services;
  • (b) Violate any federal, state, or local laws, rules, or regulations applicable to your business;
  • (c) Violate any rule, guideline, or bylaw of any of the Associations (the “Association Rules”), as they may be amended by the Associations from time to time. Some of the Association Rules are available forVisa,Mastercard,American Express, andDiscover.
  • (d) Fail to provide us with any information that we reasonably request about you or your business activities, or provide us with false, inaccurate or misleading information;
  • (e) Refuse to cooperate in a legal investigation or audit that may be required by the Associations;
  • (f) Integrate or use any of the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services without complying with our requirements;
  • (g) Utilize recurring billing functionality without properly obtaining your customers’ consent to be billed in such a manner;
  • (h) Submit any Transaction for processing through Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services which does not represent a bona fide, permissible Transaction as outlined in this Agreement and in the Association Rules, or which inaccurately describes the product or services being sold or the charitable donations being made; and
  • (i) Process Transactions or receive payments on behalf of any other party, or redirect payments to any other party.

3.02 Representations and Warranties by Merchant

Merchant has the full power and authority to execute, deliver and perform this Agreement. This Agreement is binding and enforceable against Merchant and no provision requiring Merchant’s performance is in conflict with its/his/her obligations under any agreement to which Merchant is a party.

If corporation, Merchant is duly organized, authorized and in good standing under the laws of the state, region or country of its organization and is duly authorized to do business in all other states, regions or countries in which Merchant’s business operates.

Section 4 — Liability for Invalidated Payments and other Liabilities

You are liable for all claims, expenses, fines and liability we incur arising out of:

  • (a) a Chargeback, Refund, over-payment, payment error, or other invalid payment you cause (collectively “Invalidated Payment”); ;
  • (b) any error, negligence, misconduct or fraud by you, your employees, or someone acting on your behalf; and
  • (c) any losses resulting from your failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement, or your usage of the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services.

In the event of an Invalidated Payment or other liability, we may deduct the amounts due to Vista Residences, Inc. from your Payouts.

Section 5 — Actions We May Take

5.01 Credit Report Authorization and Verification of Information

You authorize Vista Residences, Inc., directly or through third parties, to make any inquiries or take any actions we consider necessary to validate your identity, evaluate your creditworthiness, and verify information that you have provided to us. You authorize Vista Residences, Inc. to obtain financial and credit information, such as pulling your personal credit report, or the credit report for your directors, officers, and principals. By completing your application to become a Vista Residences, Inc. customer, you are providing Vista Residences, Inc. with written instructions and authorization in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act to obtain such financial information or credit reports.

In the event that we are unsuccessful in receiving satisfactory information for us to verify your identity or determine that you are creditworthy, Vista Residences, Inc. reserves the right to terminate this Agreement with immediate notice to you, cease to provide access to the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services, and refuse or rescind any payment by your customers.

5.02 Actions by Vista Residences, Inc.

If we believe that your Transactions pose an unacceptable level of risk, that you have breached the terms of this Agreement, or that your account has been compromised, we may take various actions to avoid liability. The actions we may take include, but are not limited to, suspending or limiting your ability to use the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services, refusing to process any Transaction, reversing a Transaction, holding your Payouts, and contacting your customers to verify Transactions and reduce potential fraud and disputes. If possible, we will provide you with advance notice of our actions and resolution steps. However, advance notice will not be provided if there is an immediate need to take actions such as a security threat, potential fraud, or illegal activity.

5.03 Reserve

Vista Residences, Inc., in its sole discretion, may place a Reserve on a portion of your Payouts in the event that we believe that there is a high level of risk associated with your business. If we place a Reserve on your Payouts, we will provide you with notice specifying the terms of the Reserve. The terms of the Reserve may require that a certain percentage of your Payouts are held for a certain period of time, that a fixed amount of your Payouts are withheld from payout to you, or such other restrictions that Vista Residences, Inc. determines in its sole discretion. Vista Residences, Inc. may change the terms of the Reserve at any time by providing you with notice of the new terms.

Vista Residences, Inc. may hold a Reserve as long as it deems necessary, in its sole discretion, to mitigate any risks related to your Transactions. You agree that you will remain liable for all obligations related to your Transactions even after the release of any Reserve. In addition, we may require you to keep your Bank Account available for any open settlements, Chargebacks and other adjustments.

5.04 Security Interest

To secure your performance of this Agreement, you grant to Vista Residences, Inc. a legal claim to the funds held in the Reserve. This is known in legal terms as a “lien” on and “security interest” in these amounts.

Section 6 – Account Security, Data, Intellectual Property and Publicity

6.01 Security of your access

You agree to:

  • (a) Not allow anyone else to have or use your password details and to comply with all reasonable instructions we may issue regarding account access and security. In the event you share your password details, Vista Residences, Inc. will not be liable to you for losses or damages;
  • (b) Keep your personal details up to date. We may be unable to respond to you if you contact us from an address, telephone number or email account that is not registered with us; and
  • (c) Take all reasonable steps to protect the security of the personal electronic device through which you access the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services (including, without limitation, using PIN and/or password protected personally configured device functionality to access the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services and not sharing your device with other people).

6.02 Data Security Compliance

Merchant agrees to comply with applicable data privacy and security requirements under the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (“Association PCI DSS Requirements”) with regards to Merchant’s use, access, and storage of certain credit card non-public personal information on behalf of Vista Residences, Inc.. Additionally, Merchant agrees to comply with its obligations under any applicable law or regulation as may be in effect or as may be enacted, adopted or determined regarding the confidentiality, use, and disclosure of cardholder information.

6.03 Ownership of Data

All Customer Data are owned and shall be owned by Merchant and Merchant hereby grants Vista Residences, Inc. a perpetual, irrevocable, sub-licensable, assignable, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, electronically distribute, and display Customer Data for the following purposes: (i) providing and improving the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services; (ii) internal usage, including but not limited to, data analytics and metrics so long as such Customer Data has been anonymized and aggregated with other customer data; (iii) complying with applicable legal requirements and assisting law enforcement agencies by responding to requests for the disclosure of information in accordance with local laws; (iv) any other purpose for which consent has been provided by the Customer and (v) for the purposes of re-marketing of products.

6.04 Software License

Vista Residences, Inc. grants you a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use Vista Residences, Inc.’s APIs, developer’s toolkit, and other software applications (the “Software”) in accordance with the documentation accompanying the Software. This license grant includes all updates, upgrades, new versions and replacement software for your use in connection with the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services. If you do not comply with the documentation and any other requirements provided by Vista Residences, Inc., then you will be liable for all resulting damages suffered by you, Vista Residences, Inc. and third parties. Unless otherwise provided by applicable law, you agree not to alter, reproduce, adapt, distribute, display, publish, reverse engineer, translate, disassemble, decompile or otherwise attempt to create any source code that is derived from the Software. Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement, you will immediately cease all use of any Software.

6.05 Trademark License

Vista Residences, Inc. grants you a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use Vista Residences, Inc.’ trademarks used to identify the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Service (the “Trademarks”) solely in conjunction with the use of the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Service. Merchant agrees that it will not at any time during or after this Agreement assert or claim any interest in or do anything that may adversely affect the validity of any Trademark or any other trademark, trade name or product designation belonging to or licensed to Vista Residences, Inc. (including, without limitation registering or attempting to register any Trademark or any such other trademark, trade name or product designation). Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement, you will immediately cease all display, advertising and use of all of the Trademarks.

6.06 Intellectual Property

Other than the express licenses granted by this Agreement, Vista Residences, Inc. grants no right or license by implication, estoppel or otherwise to the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Service or any Intellectual Property Rights of Vista Residences, Inc.. Each party shall retain all ownership rights, title, and interest in and to its own products and services (including in the case of Vista Residences, Inc., in the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Service) and all Intellectual Property Rights therein, subject only to the rights and licenses specifically granted herein.

6.07 Publicity

Merchant hereby grants Vista Residences, Inc. permissions to use Merchant’s name and logo in its marketing materials including, but not limited to use on Vista Residences, Inc. website, in customer listings, in interviews and in press releases.

6.08 Confidential Information

The parties acknowledge that in their performance of their duties hereunder either party may communicate to the other (or its designees) certain confidential and proprietary information, including without limitation information concerning the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services and the know how, technology, techniques, or business or marketing plans related thereto (collectively, the “Confidential Information”) all of which are confidential and proprietary to, and trade secrets of, the disclosing party. Confidential Information does not include information that: (i) is public knowledge at the time of disclosure by the disclosing party; (ii) becomes public knowledge or known to the receiving party after disclosure by the disclosing party other than by breach of the receiving party’s obligations under this section or by breach of a third party’s confidentiality obligations; (iii) was known by the receiving party prior to disclosure by the disclosing party other than by breach of a third party’s confidentiality obligations; or (iv) is independently developed by the receiving party. As a condition to the receipt of the Confidential Information from the disclosing party, the receiving party shall: (i) not disclose in any manner, directly or indirectly, to any third party any portion of the disclosing party’s Confidential Information; (ii) not use the disclosing party’s Confidential Information in any fashion except to perform its duties hereunder or with the disclosing party’s express prior written consent; (iii) disclose the disclosing party’s Confidential Information, in whole or in part, only to employees and agents who need to have access thereto for the receiving party’s internal business purposes; (iv) take all necessary steps to ensure that its employees and agents are informed of and comply with the confidentiality restrictions contained in this Agreement; and (v) take all necessary precautions to protect the confidentiality of the Confidential Information received hereunder and exercise at least the same degree of care in safeguarding the Confidential Information as it would with its own confidential information, and in no event shall apply less than a reasonable standard of care to prevent disclosure.

Section 7 - Indemnification, Limitation of Liability, Disclaimer of Warranties

7.01 Indemnification

Merchant agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Vista Residences, Inc., its parent, affiliates, officers, directors, agents, employees and suppliers from and against any lawsuit, claim, liability, loss, penalty or other expense (including attorneys’ fees and cost of defense) they may suffer or incur as a result of (i) your breach of this Agreement or any other agreement you enter into with Vista Residences, Inc. or its suppliers in relation to your use of the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services; (ii) your use of the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services; and/or (iii) your violation of any applicable law, regulation, or Association Rules and requirements.



7.03 Disclaimer of Warranties


The parties acknowledge that the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Service is a computer network based service which may be subject to outages and delay occurrences. As such, Vista Residences, Inc. does not guarantee continuous or uninterrupted access to the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services. Merchant further acknowledges that access to the Vista Residences, Inc. website or to the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services may be restricted for maintenance. Vista Residences, Inc. will make reasonable efforts to ensure that Transactions are processed in a timely manner; however, Vista Residences, Inc. will not be liable for any interruption, outage, or failure to provide the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services.

Section 8 - Term and Termination, Data Portability

8.01 Term and Termination

The term of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and shall continue on until terminated as set forth herein. You may terminate this Agreement, without cause, by providing Vista Residences, Inc. with notice of your intent to terminate, or by ceasing to use the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services.

Vista Residences, Inc. may terminate this Agreement or suspend services to you if any of the following occurs: (1) we are required by the Associations, the acquiring bank, or an order from a regulatory body to cease providing services to you; (2) we believe that you have breached this Agreement, or are likely to do so; (3) if we determine that your use of the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services carries an unacceptable amount of risk, including credit or fraud risk; or (4) any other legal, reputational, or risk-based reason exists, in Vista Residences, Inc. sole discretion. In the event that Vista Residences, Inc. must terminate this Agreement, Vista Residences, Inc. shall provide you with written notice as soon as reasonably practicable.

After termination by either party as described above, Merchant shall no longer have access to, and shall cease all use of the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services. Any termination of this Agreement does not relieve Merchant of any obligations to pay any fees, costs, penalties, Chargebacks or any other amounts owed by you to us as provided under this Agreement, whether accrued prior to or after termination.

Section 9 – General Provisions

9.01 Independent Contractors

The relationship of Vista Residences, Inc. and Merchant is that of independent contractors. Neither Merchant nor any of its employees, consultants, contractors or agents are agents, employees, partners or joint ventures of Vista Residences, Inc. nor do they have any authority to bind Vista Residences, Inc. by contract or otherwise to any obligation. None of such parties will represent anything to the contrary, either expressly, implicitly, by appearance or otherwise.

9.02 Severability

If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions not so declared shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect, but shall be construed in a manner so as to effectuate the intent of this Agreement as a whole, notwithstanding such stricken provision or provisions.

9.03 Waiver

No term or provision of this Agreement shall be deemed waived, and no breach excused, unless such waiver or consent shall be in writing and signed by the party claimed to have waived or consented. Any consent by any party to, or waiver of, a breach by the other party, whether express or implied, shall not constitute a consent to, waiver of, or excuse for, any different or subsequent breach.

9.04 Assignment

This Agreement will bind and inure to the benefit of each party’s permitted successors and assigns. Merchant may not assign this Agreement without the written consent of Vista Residences, Inc.. Vista Residences, Inc. may assign this Agreement in its sole discretion without the written consent of Merchant.

9.05 Amendment

We may amend this Agreement at any time by posting a revised version of it on our website under the “Legal” section of our website. The revised version will be effective as of the time of posting. If the revised version includes substantial change, we will notify you 30 days prior to the effectivity thereof by posting notice under the “Policy Updates” section contained in the “Legal” section of our website. If you do not agree to the updated terms, you can terminate the Agreement by providing us with notice in the manner indicated below in Section 9.09. If you provide us with termination notice within 30 days after the date of update, then the original terms and conditions (or the terms and conditions prior to revision) shall apply during this 30-day notice period.

9.06 Entire Agreement

This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement and understanding of the parties hereto in respect to the subject matter contained herein, and supersedes all prior agreements, promises, covenants, arrangements, communications, representations or warranties, whether oral or written, by any officer, partner, employee or representative of any party hereto. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure only to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns. Nothing in this Agreement, express or implied, is intended to confer or shall be deemed to confer upon any persons or entities not parties to this Agreement, any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement.

9.07 Survival

Sections 2 (Fees and Tax), 4 (Liability for Chargebacks, Invalidated Payments and other Liabilities), 5 (Actions We May Take), 6.08 (Confidential Information), 7 (Indemnification, Limitation of Liability, Disclaimer of Warranties), 8 (Term and Termination, Data Portability), 9 (General Provisions), and Exhibit “A” (Definitions), as well as any other terms which by their nature should survive, will survive the termination of this Agreement.

9.08 Communication; Recording Calls; and Availability of Contractual Documents

You consent to receive autodialed or prerecorded calls and text messages from Vista Residences, Inc. at any telephone number that you have provided us or that we have otherwise obtained to (i) notify you regarding your account; (ii) collect a debt; (iii) resolve a dispute; (iv) contact you about exclusive offers; or (v) as otherwise necessary to service your account or enforce the Agreement. Standard telephone minute and text charges may apply.

We may share your telephone numbers with our service providers (such as billing or collections companies) who we have contracted with to assist us in pursuing our rights or performing our obligations under the Agreement, our policies, or any other agreement we may have with you. You agree these service providers may also contact you using autodialed or prerecorded calls and text messages, only as authorized by us to carry out the purposes we have identified above, and not for their own purposes.

Vista Residences, Inc. may, without further notice or warning and in its discretion, monitor or record telephone conversations you or anyone acting on your behalf has with Vista Residences, Inc. or its agents for quality control and training purposes or for its own protection.

If you have a question or complaint relating to the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services or your Transactions, please contact the Vista Residences, Inc. customer support as defined in the “Contact” tab of the Vista Residences, Inc. website.

The general terms and conditions for the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services will be available at all times onwww.Vista Residences, Inc. payments.comin the “Legal” tab, and/or be made available during signup process as an electronic copy per e-mail. You may request at any time free of charge electronic copy of your contractual documents.

9.09 Notices, Contracting Entity, Governing Law, and Jurisdiction

  1. Contracting Entity. “PesoPay,” “Vista Residences, Inc. ,” “we,” and “our” in this agreement refer to the contracting entity listed in the chart below that corresponds to your domicile, which is the country of Merchant’s residence (if Merchant is an individual) or the place where Merchant is incorporated (if Merchant is a company, corporation, or other legal entity).
  2. Notice to Merchant. Merchant agrees that Vista Residences, Inc. may provide notices and disclosures to Merchant by posting them on Vista Residences, Inc. ’s website, emailing them to Merchant, or sending them to Merchant through postal/courier mail. Notices sent to Merchant by postal/courier mail are considered received by Merchant within three (3) Business Days from the date Vista Residences, Inc. sends the notice unless it is returned to Vista Residences, Inc. . Disclosures and notices posted on Vista Residences, Inc.’ website or emailed shall be considered to be received by you within 24 hours from the time it is posted to our website or emailed to you unless we receive notice that the email was not delivered. Furthermore, you understand and agree that if Vista Residences, Inc. sends you an email but you do not receive it because your primary email address on file is incorrect, out of date, blocked by your service provider, or you are otherwise unable to receive electronic communications, Vista Residences, Inc. will be deemed to have provided the communication to you. In addition, Vista Residences, Inc. may send Merchant emails, including, but not limited to, those relating to product updates, new features and offers and Merchant hereby consents to such email notification. You also agree that electronic disclosures and notices have the same meaning and effect as if we have provided you with a paper copy.
  3. Notices to Vista Residences, Inc.. Notice to Vista Residences, Inc. shall be considered valid only if sent by postal/courier mail to the applicable address for notice as designated in the below chart and based off of your country of domicile.
  4. Choice of law and jurisdiction. This Agreement shall be subject to the laws of the country listed under “Governing Law” for the country of Merchant’s domicile in the below table. The courts listed for Merchant’s country of domicile shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes arising in relation to this Agreement.


Contracting Entity

Address for Notice to PesoPay


Unit 32-C, 32nd Floor, Rufino Pacific Tower, 6784, Ayala Avenue, Makati, 1226 Metro Manila

Unit 32-C, 32nd Floor, Rufino Pacific Tower, 6784, Ayala Avenue, Makati, 1226 Metro Manila

EXHIBIT A – Definitions

  • “Agreement”means this Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services Agreement, including all exhibits and other agreements and documents incorporated herein.
  • “Associations”means, collectively, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, any ATM or debit network, and the other financial service card organizations.
  • “Association PCI-DSS Requirements”has the definition ascribed to such term in Section 6.02.
  • “Association Rules”has the definition ascribed to such term in Section 3.01(c).
  • “Bank Account”means the bank account that you specify to receive your Payouts.
  • “Bank Agreement”means the agreement provided by the financial institution that is providing the acquiring services.
  • “Business Day”means a day where banks are generally open in the United States and Philippines.
  • “Card Information”is defined in Section 8.02 above.
  • “Chargeback”means a challenge to a payment that a buyer files directly with his or her credit or debit card issuer.
  • “Confidential"Information” has the definition ascribed to such term in Section 6.08.
  • “Control Panel”is the user interface for the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services.
  • “Customer(s)”means the customer of the Merchant.
  • “Customer Data”means all information that Customer provides in the course of making a payment to you.
  • “Data Recipient”is defined in Section 8.02 above.
  • “Intellectual Property”means all of the following owned by a party: (a) trademarks and service marks (registered and unregistered) and trade names, and goodwill associated therewith; (b) patents, patentable inventions, computer programs, and software; (c) databases; (d) trade secrets and the right to limit the use or disclosure thereof; (e) copyrights in all works, including software programs; and (f) domain names.
  • “Intellectual Property Rights”means the rights owned by a party in its Intellectual Property.
  • “Invalidated Payment”is defined in Section 4(a) above.
  • “Merchant”or “you” means the entity and/or individual who enters into this Agreement.
  • “PesoPay,” “Vista Residences, Inc.,” “we,”and“our”mean the entity listed in the chart in Section 9.09(c) under “Contracting Entity,” based off your country of domicile.
  • “Payout”means the amount due to you from your Transaction minus our fees and any Refunds, Chargebacks, Reversals, or other amounts due to Vista Residences, Inc..
  • “Reversal”means any payment that Vista Residences, Inc. reverses to your customer.
  • “Refund”means a refund issued by you through the Vista Residences, Inc. Control Panel or through your API access.
  • “Reserve”means an amount or percentage of your Payouts that we hold in order to protect against the risk of Reversals, Chargebacks, or any other risk, exposure and/or potential liability to us related to your use of the Vista Residences, Inc. Payment Services.
  • “Restricted Activities”means any breaches of our Acceptable Use Policy and any activity specified in Section 3.01.
  • “Software”is defined in Section 6.04.
  • “Trademark(s)"is defined in Section 6.05.
  • “Transaction”means a transfer of funds between you and a third party related to the sale of goods and/or services, or charitable donations.
Online Reservation Booking (2024)
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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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