Battle Frontier (Master) PvP Rankings | PvPokeTW (2024)




Overall: 納入各種定位考量,整體表現最佳的寶可夢。在各種狀況中皆能有較佳戰果,且自身屬性、招式以及個體數值皆較為突出的寶可夢。

The best Pokemon overall across multiple roles. They have the typing, moves, and stats to succeed as top contenders.

Closers: 對戰中不需使用防禦網就能有優秀表現的寶可夢。擁有夠坦的體質或是較高傷害輸出的招式,使這類寶可夢往往能夠左右對戰結果。

The best Pokemon with no shields in play. Bulk or hard-hitting moves allow them to close out matchups.

Leads: 搭配使用防禦網就能有絕佳表現的寶可夢。能夠給對手造成壓力或是具備長時間對戰優勢的寶可夢。適合作為對戰隊伍先發。

The best Pokemon with shields in play. Capable of applying pressure or winning extended fights, they're ideal leads in battle.

Attackers: 在面對使用防禦網的對手時,即便自身不使用防禦網也能有出色戰果的寶可夢。此類寶可夢有較佳的個體、抗性以及強大的攻擊能力,能夠針對對手的弱點強力突穿。

The best Pokemon against shielded opponents, while unshielded. Their natural bulk, resistances, and strong attacks allow them to power through a disadvantage.

Switches: 在面對開局先發弱勢(逆風或屬性遭剋制)的情況下,適合交換上場救援的寶可夢。此類寶可夢除了可減少開局弱勢的情況之外,在被擊倒前仍能迫使對手使用防護網,或是提供可觀的傷害輸出。

The best Pokemon to switch to from an unfavorable lead. These Pokemon have safe matchups and can pressure shields or deal heavy damage even in their losses.

Chargers: 擁有低能量需求優勢的寶可夢。能量蓄積速度快,或是招式能量需求低且威力大的寶可夢類型。此類寶可夢只要有能量蓄積時,他們將變得非常有威脅性。

The best Pokemon with an energy advantage. Fast energy gain or powerful moves make them dangerous after building up energy. This category also factors in a Pokemon's ability to farm down weakened opponent or overfarm in advantageous matchups.

Consistency: 對戰表現較穩定的寶可夢。此類寶可夢可提供持續性的傷害。相較於其他寶可夢,不需誘使對手使用防護網亦能有穩定的傷害輸出。

These Pokemon perform the most dependably. They provide consistent damage and rely less on baiting shields than other Pokemon. Shorter Fast Moves also help improve consistency.

The Pokemon with the highest overall stats. They have the staying power to outlast their opponents in battle and potentially overcome type disadvantage.

The Pokemon with the highest Attack stat. They deal more damage and win Charged Move priority (CMP) against Pokemon with lower Attack stats. Stats can vary ~0-3 points depending on IV's.

The Pokemon with the highest Defense stat. They take less damage from attacks.

The Pokemon with the highest Stamina stat. They have more HP and can absorb more damage than other Pokemon. Stamina-based bulk is more resilient to Fast Move damage.









可輸入以下單字以搜尋特定遊戲內區域或世代的寶可夢:"kanto", "johto"...等,或 "gen1", "gen2"... 等。

詳情請點選 搜尋格後方的驚嘆號。

Slot 1

Slot 2

Slot 3

Slot 4

Slot 5

Slot 6






About Rankings ▼▲

How do you know which Pokemon are the best for Trainer Battles? That question has countless answers, and below we'll go over how we arrived at ours, and how you can make the most of the rankings here.

As we improve our simulator and ranking algorithms, please note that exact rankings may change. They aren't set-in-stone fact, but a best guess at which Pokemon might or might not be good for Trainer Battles. Ultimately we hope the rankings here are a helpful resource in their own way, and help you build toward succcess.

Using the Pokemon Rankings

In the top-level rankings, you'll see a score for each Pokemon. This score is an overall performance number from 0 to 100, where 100 is the best Pokemon in that league and category. It is derived from simulating every possible matchup, with each Pokemon's most used moveset (these may be manually adjusted). Use this score to compare overall performance between Pokemon; for example, the difference between the #1 and #50 Pokemon may not be the same as the difference between the #50 and #100 Pokemon. This score also allows you to see the parity in different leagues and categories.

Trainer Battles feature a wide variety of scenarios, especially involving shields. In order to give a fuller picture, our overall rankings are derived from additional sets of rankings, where battles are simulated with different roles in mind. You can explore rankings for each of the following categories:

  • Overall - Derived from a Pokemon's score in all other categories. Moves are ranked based on calculations across all opponents. Key Counters and Top Matchups, however, are taken from the Leads category.
  • Leads - Ranking battles simulated with 2 shields vs. 2 shields.
  • Closers - Ranking battles simulated with no shields vs. no shields.
  • Switches - Ranking battles simulated with 6 turns of energy advantage and scored to favor safe matches.
  • Chargers - Ranking battles simulated with 6 turns of energy advantage.
  • Attackers - Ranking battles simulated with no shields vs. 2 shields.
  • Consistency - Rating of how dependent Pokemon are at baiting shields.

Different Pokemon may succeed in different scenarios, so use these categories to help determine when a particular Pokemon would be the most valuable.

Within each ranking, you'll see four separate detail sections:

  • Fast Moves - Which Fast Moves the Pokemon uses most in the league and category.
  • Charged Moves - Which Charged Moves the Pokemon uses most in the league and category.
  • Key Wins - Which battles the Pokemon performs best in, weighed by the opponent's overall score.
  • Key Counters - Which significant opponents perform best against the Pokemon.

Use these to see even more information about a Pokemon, which matchups it might be useful in, and what you can use to counter it.

Using the Move Rankings

Each Pokemon has a pool of Fast Moves and a pool of Charged Moves. Some moves might be better in one battle, and other moves might be better in another. For Trainer Battles, you'll want know which moves will be the best ones to have in the most matchups. You might also want to know which Pokemon are the best candidates for a second Charged Move. The move details within each Pokemon ranking can help you determine that.

Moves are ranked using calculations primarily based on their damage and energy cost. Stat changes are also factored in. These calculations are run for each matchup, and then totaled across the format. Matchup weighting affects these numbers as well, so moves that would be used against significant meta targets will rank higher.

When looking at potential moves, keep an eye out for Pokemon that have a strong tendency toward a single Fast Move and a single Charged Move. These Pokemon will have their optimal moveset in the most matchups. On the other hand, some Pokemon see more balanced usage in their Charged Moves. This is where having a second Charged Move comes into play.

If you're investing in a second Charged Move, you want a pair that would be optimal in the most number of matchups. Two moves that would be used in 90% of matchups are better than two moves that would be used in 60% of matchups. You also want a move that adds the most value to those matchups. A second Charged Move that is used in 40% of matchups will give you more value than one that's used in 5% of matchups.

However, not all matchups are equal. When your opponent switches in a Pokemon, it isn't just random; they're likely to send out something that's strong against you. Because of this, a Charged Move that counters your counters might be more valuable than the rankings indicate. Blastoise, for example, doesn't use Ice Beam often in simulated head-to-head matchups (premier Grass-types like Meganium and Venusaur will knock it out before it can). However, Ice Beam can still be valuable when your opponent sends out these Pokemon while Blastoise has Ice Beam near or fully charged, or if you have shields while they don't.

As an exercise, select any one Pokemon in the Team Builder tool and compare its battle histograms when it has one Charged Move and when it has two. If a second Charged Move improves its matchups, it might be one worth investing in.

Ranking Algorithm

Rankings are generated using the following steps:

  1. For each category:
    1. Simulate every possible matchup and assign a Battle Rating for each Pokemon.
    2. Calculate each Pokemon's average Battle Rating across all matchups.
    3. Iterate through the matchups again and weigh each individual Battle Rating by the opponent's average, calculating averages again each time. Iterate through this process multiple times. Only do this if matchups are even (same shields).
    4. Calculate a Pokemon's category score as a percentage of its average weighted Battle Rating to the #1 Pokemon.
  2. For each Pokemon, calculate the geometric mean of its scores in every category for the overall score.

Battle Rating is at the core of the ranking algorithm. It tells us if a Pokemon wins in battle, and by how much. Averaging all of these tells us which Pokemon perform the best against the most other Pokemon.

Comparing averages alone isn't always best, though; you aren't equally likely to face every Pokemon, and numerous weak Pokemon of a certain type could skew the results in favor of their counters. So, the algorithm iterates through every matchup again and weighs each Battle Rating by the opponent's average. Now a good Battle Rating against a powerful Pokemon has more value than a good Battle Rating against a weak one. This process is recursive; a Pokemon that has a low original average might have a better weighted average, affecting all of the Pokemon who rate well against it, so this process runs a number of times to allow the top Pokemon and those that beat them to filter upward in the rankings.

The overall scores are calculated through a geometric mean (root of A x B x C) as opposed to a regular mean (quotient of A + B + C). This is because the category scores are percentages; adding these percentages doesn't produce a tangible value, so a geometric mean is more applicable. Geometric mean also favors well-rounded Pokemon over Pokemon who rank highly in one category but low in others.

Each Pokemon is given its optimal moveset for every matchup. Note that this can cause Pokemon with broad movesets like Mew or Suicune with Hidden Power to rank more highly than they practically should; this is already adjusted for in the overall rankings, but may appear in the Team Builder.


寶可夢中文名稱 瑪力露麗
Pokemon Nickname gfisk (List of nicknames)
寶可夢屬性 water:水屬
類別 legendary :傳說的寶可夢
mythical :幻之寶可夢
ultrabeast :究極異獸
regional :現實世界區域限定
alolan :阿羅拉型態
galarian :伽勒爾型態但不含伽勒爾限定
galar :伽勒爾地區限定
starter :初始寶可夢
shadow :僅暗影寶可夢
shadoweligible :有暗影化型態,但只顯示一般個體
kanto :關都地區
johto :城都地區
全國圖鑑編號 184
Evolution Family +politoed
招式名稱 @雙倍奉還
招式屬性 @fighting
Fast Move only @1fighting
Charged Move only @2mud
限定招式 @Legacy
對戰特質(Traits) Bulky, Spammy, Risky, etc. See adjacent trait guide.
第二特殊招式解鎖星塵數 10k,

10k :10000星塵
50k :50000星塵
75k :75000星塵
100k :100000星塵

夥伴寶可夢行走距離 1km

1km :1公里
3km :3公里
5km :5公里
20km :20公里

Meta 寶可夢 meta
4* 寶可夢 4*, Hundo
And(且) water&@fighting
Or(或) water,fighting
Not(非) !water








查看 在此主題賽中的完整對戰表現:

Pokemon vs. Great League
















最佳IV組合(Rank 1)

不需使用 XL糖果。

建議使用 XL糖果 但非必要。

強烈建議使用 XL糖果。

此寶可夢的 XL糖果尚不易取得。

此寶可夢不考慮 XL糖果使用情境。

對戰特質(Traits) ?








* 活動或僅能透過厲害招式學習器習得




0 傷害

0 能量

0 傷/能
















0 / 100


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  1. 創建帳號或登入 Pokebattler 。
  2. 在寶可夢盒子中加入寶可夢。
  3. 輸入Pokebattler帳號ID(畫面右上角"數字"):

如果訂閱 Pokebattler ,你就能儲存更多的寶可夢,同時也能夠贊助原版 PvPoke!









Edit/Check IVs ▼▲












一般招式(Fast Move)

特殊招式(Charged Moves)








其他選項 ▼▲



1 turn switch

Stat Modifiers (-4 to 4)


damage dealt


damage taken




Ranking Weight Multiplier

Matchup scores against this Pokemon will be multiplied by the value above. Default is 1. Use values of 2-10 depending on meta relevancy. Use 0 to remove all weighting.






自訂 的招式:


You can use the following keyboard commands when selecting a Pokemon:

Navigate up alphabetically (to select a related form)
Navigate down alphabetically (to select a related form)
EnterMulti-Select: Add or save changes to the current Pokemon. You can press Enter again to bring up a new Add Pokemon window.

Below are the overall stat rankings for this Pokemon's IVs out of 4096 possible combinations.


CPLevelIV Rank

Version 1.31.11 © 2023 PvPoke LLC, released under the MIT license | Privacy Policy

Logo and brand colors by pogoDomz

Pokémon and Pokémon GO are copyright of The Pokémon Company, Niantic, Inc., and Nintendo. All trademarked images and names are property of their respective owners, and any such material is used on this site for educational purposes only. PvPoke LLC has no affiliation with The Pokémon Company, Niantic, Inc., or Nintendo.

Battle Frontier (Master) PvP Rankings | PvPokeTW (2024)
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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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